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575w Moving Heads


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Just thought id toss this out in to the forum to see what the current trends are and what people think! I am looking to possibly purchase x10 Moving head fixtures some time in the near future, I would like to use either of the ROBE 575 AT/XT or a Martin MAC 500's. My main considerations will be features, brightness and ease of repair one other thing that I will need to bear in mind is if I can get them tropicalised as the environment they will live in is harsh!! I have thought about using moving mirror fixtures but none of the 575w variants seem to offer as many features as there moving head counterparts.


Cost is not my main consideration however it is still a consideration and noise is not an issue? so if anyone has any other recommendations or comments on the above fixtures they will be gratefully received.


Just like to add that this is a really useful forum and I saw a similar thread regarding 250w fixtures which inspired me to ask the question?





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martin mac 500's get my vote. I find the robe XT's to be noisy and slow and not that bright. and extremely difficult to get inside and repair. however I do prefer the gobo's on the robe 575 and the fact there are two gobo wheels. it depends on your use?





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If your main consideration is quality of light output and ease of maintainance/reliability then I would not buy either, certainly not the Robe.


Clay Paky units are very easy to work on and well thought through. Optics are excellent. Same is true of High-End and Vari-Lite.

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I'd go for the mac 500's. First time I used them I was like 'wow!' Also the 500's have got 2 gobo wheels as well - one static and one rotating.



I thought the 500's were a wash? It's the 550's which are the profiles with gobo wheels etc.. unless I've gone a bit round the twist, which is highly likely. I'll shut up now.

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I thought the 500's were a wash? It's the 550's which are the profiles with gobo wheels etc.. unless I've gone a bit round the twist, which is highly likely. I'll shut up now.


MAC 500's are moving spots. MAC 600's are Moving washes. MAC 550 is a new and improved version of the 500.




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I thought the 500's were a wash? It's the 550's which are the profiles with gobo wheels etc.. unless I've gone a bit round the twist, which is highly likely. I'll shut up now.


MAC 500's are moving spots. MAC 600's are Moving washes. MAC 550 is a new and improved version of the 500.





Ah indeed, this is what comes of posting before the kettle has boiled :P

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Strictly speaking the 550 is not the updated 500 as it has a different lamp and extra features.


The 550 lamp is actually only a 400w lamp but 550 is actually brighter than the 500 so they couldn't call it a mac 400 I believe it also has a zoom facility that the 500 does not have - handy for gobo sizing from distance




Check out the martin website its got most info you need www.martinpro.co.uk



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I do like the gobo changes on the Robe 575 ProSpots - it's incredibly easy.

You just pull a clip and the gobo carrier drops out, for you to remove the circlip-spring and swap out the gobo.


Much nicer than the Mac way - where you've got to undo the circlip-spring inside the fixture, especially as there isn't much room.


Not had to do any more maintenance than that on either though - left the company with Robes before there was a chance to strip them down.

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I do like the gobo changes on the Robe 575 ProSpots - it's incredibly easy.

You just pull a clip and the gobo carrier drops out, for you to remove the circlip-spring and swap out the gobo.


Much nicer than the Mac way - where you've got to undo the circlip-spring inside the fixture, especially as there isn't much room.


FYI pretty much all of the newer Martin fixutes have this easier way of changing gobos, certainly the 550's, 700's & 2000's.

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FYI pretty much all of the newer Martin fixutes have this easier way of changing gobos, certainly the 550's, 700's & 2000's.
Woot! Yay! etc etc. Very good to hear that!
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I'd vote for the MAC anytime. I've run them (un-domed) in thunder storms. I've run them in (english) hot weather. And they've not failed (that badly anyway:).

The Robe spots - I had six once, 5 faults out of the box. repaired... 3 more faults... repaired... 5 faults. This was across 3 days... sent them back and bought some MACs.


happier now

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