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Converting Dmx to d54

Paul Roberts

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My school bought a Behringer LC2412 last September under my advice that it was cheap, unfortunately due to the fact my knowledge was still fairly primitive I didn't know that the desk wouldn't work on the STM's as they ran d54 only. Anyways, cut a long story short, used the old M24 for a bit and kept the LC2412 in storage as there wasn't much we could do with it. Recently acquired a Showtec 72 channel Multiexchanger to use that we were told would correct the problem, however the Behringer still won't work, even though the multiexchanger has been set correctly as far as I know. Any ideas why it isn't working?


It's probably one of those tiny little problems that can be sorted easily, but I'm all out of ideas :) .

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How is the Multiexchanger connected to the STMs?

How is the Multiexchanger set up?

How is the desk connected to the Multiexchanger?


Ans to Qn 1: 25 pin socket, not sure of the technical name for it, like one you find for a printer on a pc.

Ans to Qn 2: Is set to -10V, can't remember the other settings at the moment, am in school tomorrow so will take a note then.

Ans to Qn 3: 3 Pin DMX input. Behringer desk has a 5 pin output so currently using a Male 5 pin to Female 3 pin converter.

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I don't think your going to get the results your after with the Showtec Multiexchanger which converts DMX to 0-10v analogue. What you need is a dedicated DMX to D54 covertor, I know Compulite make some (and I think it's been discussed before, so a search may chuck up something) or it maybe worth checking 2nd hand lighting sites to see what they have - usedlighting.co.uk haven't got any on their site, but you can always try contacting them to see if they have got any which haven't made it onto the site yet.


I hope this helps.




Edit: This may help - click here

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What you need is a dedicated DMX to D54 covertor, I know Compulite make some (and I think it's been discussed before, so a search may chuck up something) or it maybe worth checking 2nd hand lighting sites to see what they have - usedlighting.co.uk haven't got any on their site, but you can always try contacting them to see if they have got any which haven't made it onto the site yet.


usedlighting are the people who sent the showtec exchanger, and told us it would sort the problem. I would be all for spending good money on a dedicated converter, though the school budget is so tight it's often futile trying to justify spending money.

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Oh right, well I could very well be wrong then - I was always under the impression it didn't do D54... Try giving them a shout, they are very helpful guys and I'm sure they'll help you. As for the budgets bit, I totally understand there :) Hope you get it sorted.



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Just a quick look at the Multiexchanger suggests that it doesn't put out D54.


You could run analogue from the demux to the STMs firing cards (Bypass the D54 input entirely), but it is a bit of a fiddle as you have one wire per channel if you do it that way.

This will work, but your teachers may have issues with you modifying the wiring inside the dimmer cabinets (400V and all that), mine were fine with it, but it was that sort of school and 20 years back there was a little less panic in education about health and safety - they understood the meaning of "acceptable loss ratio"!-).


Bytecraft used to do a DMX to D54 converter, and a quick google reveals that www.usedlighting.co.uk have one in stock that may do what you need.

Be a little careful as IIRC there were about half a dozen variations on "D54" most of which had subtle timing differences....


Regards, Dan.

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If the Multiexchanger is connected with a D25, then are you sure that you don't already have analogue connection?


Your school probably need to get someone who knows what they are looking at in to look at it. It is very difficult to fault find remotely...

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I don't think your going to get the results your after with the Showtec Multiexchanger which converts DMX to 0-10v analogue. What you need is a dedicated DMX to D54 covertor,

Erm, it strikes me that the answer to this one is simple, and has been alluded to in this thread already!


Fact - you have a desk (LC2412) that outputs DMX only.

Fact - You have STM's that accept -10v to the rack.

Fact - You have a D54-analogue converter.

Fact - You have this Multiexchanger which accepts DMX and outputs -10v analogue.


Solution - ditch the D54-analogue box and rewire the Multi-exchanger to the analogue inputs of the STM's.


Caution - as you have indicated you're not over-confident with electric wiring, so get a qualified sparky to do this.


Question - do you still need the old M24? If not, then that and the D54 mux can go up on Ebay - you may be surprised at what you can get for them!!



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Or whack the multi exchanger on ebay along with the M24,and buy a DMX-D54 converter!


A school probaby wont let you inside the racks,but there must be a chance of them letting you connect an iec and a XLR?

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Question - do you still need the old M24? If not, then that and the D54 mux can go up on Ebay - you may be surprised at what you can get for them!!



The M24 wouldn't fetch much, it's very temperamental but is currently working ok. As for D54 mux, could fetch £50 which would be welcomed by the school.


A school probaby wont let you inside the racks,but there must be a chance of them letting you connect an iec and a XLR?

Even if the school did let me inside the racks, I still wouldn't due to the fact I wouldn't have a clue what I was doing and second I don't fancy getting 400v through me. They're fine with wiring XLR's and IEC's etc, XLR's I haven't wired mainly because there hasn't been an occasion where I've needed to, but IEC's I'm ok with.

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Or whack the multi exchanger on ebay along with the M24,and buy a DMX-D54 converter!
Duh.... WHY??

What's the point in inserting a DMX to D54 then a D54 to analogue when the one box will already do exactly what the OP wants....??

A school probaby wont let you inside the racks,but there must be a chance of them letting you connect an iec and a XLR?

If you check my post, I did in fact recommend that a qualified sparks does the job - although it is only working with LV cabling, the safety precautions involved in working inside a 3-ph rack would preclude work being attempted by a student. But it hardly needs a rocket scientist's brain to sort 24 channels of analogue wiring.


The M24 wouldn't fetch much, it's very temperamental but is currently working ok. As for D54 mux, could fetch £50 which would be welcomed by the school.

As I say, you could be surprised! Be honest with your description and see what it brings! :)

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