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Square Banquet Chairs


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I'm looking to hire or hopefully borrow 18 matching (yes I know!) Bentwood chairs, either black or dark coloured for 2 weeks. does anyone have any ideas or know where I could get hold of them? I'd be ever so grateful if anyone had a spare dozen lying around their garage :blink:


Hello again,

Change of plan, I am now looking for 15 square banquet chairs with red velvet seats... any ideas where I might get them for cheap?


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- they seem to hire various sorts of chairs ...



I think what Janie is realy asking is



'do you have any sitting in your basement that I could borrow for 2 weeks if I buy you a couple of pints.'



though I could be misjudgeing her, she may not even be offering to get the beer in.

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oh 15 chairs is easily worth at least 2 1/2 pints in my book :D luckily however, I need not prove it this time, as we have got some now yay! No doubt though I'll be on the scrounge again sooner or later, so let it be known that I am a serial pint buyer in return for free or cheap stuff!
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