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The Humble Parcan...


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Just been having a thought while watching my Queen Greatest Hits 2 DVD and watching parcan amany rigs (see example from Hammer to Fall) - when did the Parcan first come about?


Googling gave me The Strand Archive which dated the Parblazer 1 at about 1978?, but seeing as they were in Queen's really early rigs, when did they first become avaiable?


Useless info I know, but interesting to know none the less!



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I seem to vaguely remember being told that the original design was to do with the catering tins of Nescafe - can anyone shed any light (pun intended) on that story. I've also heard Genesis and Abba mentioned in connection with the invention of the parcan.



And, on a massive tangent, but: Parcan Donkey is the only Googlewhack of my own that I've been able to find...


PS: Dave Gormans site who I've just linked to is made by our very own Jon Primrose...

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There are photos of PAR64 and PAR56 lamps in Fred Bentham's 1968 book and in the text he says that they have been available for 'some years' in the US. However he doesn't show any lanterns for them but does mention their use as flood lights.
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By 1977 James Thomas had produced the lightweight, spun aluminium


Ahem from what I was taught in college.


Pars were originally American and made of steel and very heavy. One of the road crew managed to 'borrow' one or a two of lights from a US tour and bring them back to the UK. He had a word with a friend who owned a small engineering firm making garage doors about remaking the light and making it lighter. So the light was redesigned and made out of aluminum. The company was of course James Thomas...


The author takes no responsibilities of making sure that truth gets in the way of this might fine story.

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The lamps themselves? Best price I know of is around £15.75 + VAT each. PM me if you want to know where.


sorry, I presume you mean the fixture here not the "bulb" when you say lamp?


EDIT: actually that sounds far too cheap for a par can and it would make sence that u mean the lamp. Not sure what I was thinking there :) Sorry brian. (im v.tired)

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sorry, I presume you mean the fixture here not the "bulb" when you say lamp?

The lantern is the lighting fixture itself.

The lamp is the lighting-up glass thing that goes inside it.

A bulb is something you plant in your garden to make the pretty flowers grow.


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sorry, I presume you mean the fixture here not the "bulb" when you say lamp?

The lantern is the lighting fixture itself.

The lamp is the lighting-up glass thing that goes inside it.

A bulb is something you plant in your garden to make the pretty flowers grow.


I do know this, but from what matt said I assumed he wanted the cans, which is what got me confused. I used the word bulb to make it clear what I ment, I know from experience thios aint the proper word for a lamp.


Sorry guys, I am tired, will wake up before I post again.

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