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Homemade Pyro Firer

Rob the Spark

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Thanks for that clarification, I have obviously mis-interpreded the tone of your post. I am used to posting on forums where you constantly have to defend yourself. I made the suggestion because if you are buying the components to build such a unit then it wouldn't take much to consider a button that cannot be accidentally pressed.
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Or even a dead mans handle in the form of a push to make or something, so you squeeze it with the hand holding the controller and fire with the other, or some similar arrangement. Of course using the missile cap style switch covers could be fun, and might help the cause :huh:.
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There is NO one design that is entirely safe! What would happen if someone drove a vehicle over the controller?


The aim is to have a safe method of work, so that you have 100% fire when wanted and 100% NO-fire at all other times!



Varioue switch styles and cable styles and operating protocols are chosen to match the controller with the needs of the job in hand.


The connectors used should not be mixable with other systems in use. So various systems use D-9, D-25 and D-39, Centronics - 50 pole, Bulgin miniature power connectors, and speaker connectors, - Oh! some systems use socapex too. There are also systems that use data down twin flex, and XLR-3, XLR-4, and D-9 and D-25 for sending parallel data to decoders.

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This is what I meant by increasing the perception of safety without actually reducing any risks.


If you are responsible for firing pyrotechnics you shouldn't have anyone pushing past you when the device is armed. If you do you're just as likely to push the button yourself as you are to drop the controller and if you did drop it the natural reaction to try and catch it would probably then result in you pressing the fire button anyway. In this case a misfire would be down to a basic heath and safety failing and nothing to do with the controller.


While fun missile switch cap covers are really really really horrible to use. Trying to hold the controller, the cap open and press the switch on cue would be a complete ball ache to say the least. The unsprung ones aren't much easier and in my experience hardly never get shut making them next to useless.


Adding a dead mans handle could be beneficial and a few systems do have controllers with buttons on each side where both need to be pressed to fire the device but you already have two independent switches (key and push) so why do you need a third? It's quite hard to find a placement that will be comfortable for a wide range of users and if it isn't comfortable it will either get bypassed or increase the chances of the controller being dropped. Again vibrations, mechanical switches and pyros don't really mix all that well in my book.


The aim is to have a safe method of work
Exactly. You need to look at the actual risks and what needs to be done to reduce them. If you start adding features because other systems have them you're not only going to waste a load of money but create an over complex system that's more likely to have safety features bypassed or develop faults.
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While fun missile switch cap covers are really really really horrible to use. Trying to hold the controller, the cap open and press the switch on cue would be a complete ball ache to say the least. The unsprung ones aren't much easier and in my experience hardly never get shut making them next to useless.


Couldn't agree more, I'm hoping to use them for output selection in a multi-channel system.

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Sorry if this has already been said, but other than a keyswitch interlock, the only pyro safety device worth having is the eye-to-pod vision and decision making process of the operator. And absolutely part of his decision making process should be the decision NOT to fire if he is in any way uncomfortable with his environment.
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