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How not to work at a height


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I recently found a site with a lot of photographic work-at-height horror stories, and this one just blew my mind:




Why did they even consider this, let alone actually DO it?


Yet more insanity at Facelift.

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Why did they even consider this, let alone actually DO it?

Yeah - of course, what they SHOULD have done was shift the fork lift a few yards to the left and the guy could then work from the basket.......... :) :)

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Thats first picture is fabulous.


As it fills your browser you see the nutter on the top who has left the safety of his magic carpet to hang over an enge and you go whoooo... then you scroll down and see the full picture and go .....

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I think that beats the one that I have always shown to people:




Obviously nobody is wearing a hard hat because the RA said that it offered no protection against a falling FLT!

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After I saw this I had to go and lie down...




... and then the detail dawns...


Notice his bare feet ...


notice he is wet to the waist ...

Ohmygawd he waded through the pool and ...


that's a metal ladder in a metre of water

(probably salted or chlorinated to help conductivity!)


He has an electric drill in his hand, :)

and the cable looped over 2nd-top step to keep the connector dry :)

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I've got a small, but growing, collection of these sort of photos. Can't publish most of them though, because they're real, have been taken by people I know, and people could get into serious trouble.


Lots seem to be related to changing light bulbs.


One is of a set of 8 feet step ladders, with a guy on top stretching to reach a light fitting. The steps are supported on 2 short scaffold boards, which in turn are balanced on 3 boxes each. Two at one end and one at the other.


The different number of boxes at each end was needed because the whole thing was built up on the desks in a tiered lecture theatre.


I've also got one of a guy balancing on a bannister, over an open stairwell, carrying a 6 foot fluorescent tube.


Another involves a guy up a ladder, with a Stihl saw, cutting a doorway through a brick wall. The only safety gear in sight appears to be a wooly hat and an old pair of trainers. (OK - that one was when they were building an extension to MY house...)



But the scariest is a picture of the guy next door to me, trying to fix a broken TV aerial. He's in his 80s, and he climbed out of a loft window, across the slates. When I shouted to him, he said "it's OK, I've got a safety harness". The "harness" consisted of a clothes rope tied round his waist. If he had fallen, it would have cut him in half....

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Guest lightnix

Maybe not as spectacular as the OP (how do you top that?), but here's a couple from my own, personal collection, taken in the Spring / Summer of 2000...





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  • 4 years later...

Sadly, I didn't manage to get a photo, but yesterday I observed a steeplejack working on St. Mary's cathedral in Edinburgh. He was sitting on a bosun's chair (that's essentially a plank of wood on a rope sling for our younger readers), that was rigged on a single line rope pulley system from the top of one of the spires. There was even a bucket attached to the side of said plank of wood containing his tools.

No sign of a safety harness or fall arrest system, not even a hi-vis vest; and members of the public were walking past on the pavement almost directly below him.

How do they get away with that? :)

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