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ITV News, 16th Feb 2006

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After watching the ITV news tonight, I set up an experiment. They said that a device has been made to send away teenagers from shops etc, by playing 16 kHz. Older people (over 20 apparently) can't hear it, yet those under 20 can, and find it very loud. I can hear a high pitched whine from the fridge when I am upstairs sometimes, so I think at 24 my hearing is good. I set up my sound system with a copy of Sound Check 2. My brother (exactly 4 years younger [we share the same birthday!]) and I stood 1m away from my EV SXA100+'s, I was holding a SPL meter, set to dBA. I played the 16 kHz, the needle registered 90 dBA, and I could hear the sound, as could my brother. 20 kHz registered at 86 dBA, and to me was just about there, but my brother could hear it just as loudly as the 16 kHz. There again, he hasn't been to any loud gigs!


So to the question of tonight from me,

Can you hear 16 kHz and your age? [ish!]

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Just did a similar experiment, except in my case it was at my home studio, with Rogers Studio 1 monitors.


I heard nothing at 16k, 12k and below are there at similar perceived levels, 12k to 15k is gradually rolling off, with the 15k end about the top of my perception.


I'm 53 now...I last had my frequency response tested about 10 years ago at that stage my hearing limit was 18k, with the roll off starting about 15k.


Dang birthdays!



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I'm nearly 25, and my own experiment this eve suggests I'm good up to around 19KHz, being able to "sense" something above that range but not being able to hear an actual "pitch" that high.


I don't consider this to be too bad - this is no worse than when I was 16 (when I was last curious enough to check my own hearing response).


Perhaps I've learned to listen more closely in the intervening years, thereby off-setting the natural hearing decline.


As for the point being made in the news, a continuous 16KHz tone played in a shop or anywhere else is enough to send me ga-ga. If I heard that in a shop I'd need to get out straight away!

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I can just about detect 17kHz through a pair of laptop speakers. I'm 19, and I don't have a personal stereo nor listen to loud music often.


That's as likely to be a limitation in your laptop speakers as anything to do with your hearing.



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Bobbsy, your rolloff @ 15kHz doesn't suprise me.


The Kid, you must be a cat too ;)


I think I'm gonna have to do a test, but I think I'm pretty good up at those rediculously high Freqs - only a test will tell...

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Mum could hear 16 kHz too, and said what about dogs!? I think most of what I heard at 20 kHz was harmonics etc as P. Funk suggests. One thing I know now is that 6.3 kHz for me is unbearable, event at almost no volume, it hurts. Wish I had a Signal Generator now to see where my hearing drops off.
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I'm 19, I can hear 16kHz quite plainly, reminding me a lot like the sound half-broken TV's make.


18kHz sounds quiet, as it would with such tiny tiny waves I'm sure. My speakers aledgedly drive up to 22, but anything beyond 19kHz I cannot hear.


I believe I can hear down to 25 Hz too, but this is odd because I don't think my speakers respond that low. And I have no sub...

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I can just about detect 17kHz through a pair of laptop speakers. I'm 19, and I don't have a personal stereo nor listen to loud music often.


That's as likely to be a limitation in your laptop speakers as anything to do with your hearing.

D'oh. Of course it is.

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I didn't hear the test on R2 today (wasn't listening at the time not bad hearing), I heard a few comments afterwards. If I had not been driving I was tempted to phone in.


TV's do my bloody head in, not all of them, but some I hate bieng in a room with them on. I'm good up to about 19Khz and can sense something is present a little above this. I think a few people have had similar results.


Whilst I didn't here the noise if its just a 16khz sine then it would annoy me enough to not go near the place. I can see what they are trying to do and a reduction in behaviour like this is certainly needed but I think it may need developing a little yet.



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