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Girl Guiding UK Gobo


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Does anyone know of a source for a gobo showing the Girl Guiding UK logo, either the trefoil design or the whole logo.


This is a last minuite thought for a gang show this weekend. I've looked through my copies of the DHA and Apolo catalouges without success


To be honest I was a little suprised not to see anything as I would have though more people would have wanted to use something like this.







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Talk to DHA and have one made custom. If there no rush it is not as expensive as you would expect. :blink:

This is a last minuite thought for a gang show this weekend

Ah, how much do they want it? :(

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This isn't essential for the show, This is a case of "It would be nice if..."


I'm totaly OK if this doesn't happen, I wouldn't be OK if it could happen easily and I didn't try.


For the record I'm only interested in trying to source a simple size B metal gobo for a 1K sil. That is the only lantern available.



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This isn't essential for the show, This is a case of "It would be nice if..."


I'm totaly OK if this doesn't happen, I wouldn't be OK if it could happen easily and I didn't try.


For the record I'm only interested in trying to source a simple size B metal gobo for a 1K sil. That is the only lantern available.




Litho plate and a craft knife/ scalple?

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Hi James,


I apologize for the lack of the Girl Guiding artwork within the Apollo gobo catalog. Not being familiar with the artwork myself, is this some type of organization's design or perhaps 'folk art'?

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It's the logo for "girlguiding UK" - http://www.girlguiding.org.uk - which is part of

WAGGGS (World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts), a worldwide movement of 10 million girls, young women and Leaders in 145 countries.


I'm sure I'll get some flack for this, but it's a sort of girly version of the Scouts :(


Going slightly :blink:, I play in a ceilidh band. We were booked to play at the last night of an international girlguiding camp last summer. Didn't think it would be a particularly good night - we usually need a good mix of male and female, and the audience here was an international mix of several hundred 12-16-year-old girls. In a tent. Who had been sleeping in a field for a week. Who wouldn't know any of the dances....


But it was probably the best gig I have ever played. The energy and enthusiasm was incredible. We were booked to play until 10.30 - we eventually left around midnight - it was a pleasure to play there....

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It's the logo for "girlguiding UK" - http://www.girlguiding.org.uk - which is part of
WAGGGS (World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts), a worldwide movement of 10 million girls, young women and Leaders in 145 countries.


I'm sure I'll get some flack for this, but it's a sort of girly version of the Scouts :)


The energy and enthusiasm was incredible. We were booked to play until 10.30 - we eventually left around midnight - it was a pleasure to play there....



I have two daughters in that age range. it's unreal how much energy the little boogers have at 10:30 at night- yikes!!


Yes, the Girl Scouts are a great organization- my wife is a troop leader. I am certain the image posted in the first thread belongs to the organization, and any company reproducing it for money (t-shirts, banners, hats, gobos) would more than likely get swiped by a lawyer in the future. :(

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thanks for the response.


To be honest I hadn't considered the copyright of the image.


Partly I had assumed with the number of gang shows that happen in the UK within the Souting and Guiding communities there might be a chance of the gobos appearing commercialy .


Doing a tiny amount of research on the subject, The Guide's website specificaly excludes the image I linked to as well as others from their global copyright policy.

The Scout website has an "interesting" article on "Lighting for Scout Gang Shows" where in "Other Considerations" it sugests

Gobos patterned transparencies for special effects eg Fleur-de-Lys.
The Fleur-de-Lys is the scouting logo


I think given the short notice of this event I'll be better to keep this simple and consider getting some made up for next time - if there is one!


Thanks all



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Do you have a computer LCD projector available? - put the logo on a powerpoint and connect to a laptop or something.


For Source 4 Pros, you can use the rosco imagepro that fans an accetate (printed from the computer) to stop it melting. Don't know if this fits any other lanterns.

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For Source 4 Pros, you can use the rosco imagepro that fans an accetate (printed from the computer) to stop it melting. Don't know if this fits any other lanterns.

Which is somewhat irrelavant, as

I'm only interested in trying to source a simple size B metal gobo for a 1K sil. That is the only lantern available.
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Which is somewhat irrelavant, as


However, he was only trying to help, which as many other people in the post have already agreed, this is gong to be the quickest way, if he hires and Image pro and (I found that for best reults!) a source 4 pro not or a selecon pacific. Not another lantern. Not even a Brio!

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