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The Importance of Good Spelling & Grammar

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I have learnt a lot since being a member and grammar and punctuation was one of them! ;)


Sorry can't resist, but do you mean "since becoming a member, including grammar and punctuation". I suspect you've mixed up tenses and plurals...

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I have learnt a lot since being a member and grammar and punctuation was one of them! B-)


Sorry can't resist, but do you mean "since becoming a member, including grammar and punctuation".


Either way you've mixed up tenses and plurals...

;) Funny and true, but full marks to someone for realising the importance of SPaG and trying to do something about it. Good for you Tolley. :)


Why the excessive use of capitals in the heading? - "The Importance of Good Spelling & Grammar,"


Very funny too! But don't blame Ynot - although he wrote the first post of this topic, he didn't write the title. As the thread was split from another topic, it means a moderator chose the title. I can't see who it was and even if I could I wouldn't say!


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