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Grelco Recall


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Just had a letter in from Stage LX this morning. Aparently they have found a problem with Snapper2 grelcos are recalling all sold after June '04. Full info can be found on their site at Stage Electrics.


Don't know if anyone else has issued recalls - e.g. AC, Whitelight, etc. Maybe worth checking with them if you've bought any recently.


This could possibly result in a bit of a shortage as there is no replacement product at present.


Should we all start pestering Duraplug to make some proper ones now?

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Just in case anyone is having doubts about sending them back, the snappers are definitely faulty, don't use them! We've had two (out of 10) burn out over the last month or so...


Bit worried about finding a quick replacement though...



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Just had a letter in from Stage LX this morning. Aparently they have found a problem with Snapper2 grelcos
I saw this on their web site last week, but as yet haven't had chance to check what grelco's we have (they were all bought from SLX) had in the last year or so. Can't say we've had any burn-out problems (yet) though...
This could possibly result in a bit of a shortage as there is no replacement product at present.

However, I had a half dozen new ones only 2 weeks ago and they're a different style - these have the twin sockets at an angle (which makes plugging 'em all together for storage in the cupboard a small pain...) so I'd have to assume that these are the current best option....

Should we all start pestering Duraplug to make some proper ones now?

** laughs out loud ** - I would imagine that should even every one of the BR members 'pester' Duraplug we'd not make even a tiny dent in their resolve NOT to produce a more robust unit!

There is just no longer the market for 15A doublers for them to go into the hassle of market research, (yes, even for such a a simple item) then development and set up the tools for mass production. When the Chinese (or in this case, I think, the S Africans?) can push out a dirt cheap option, regardless of the overall quality, they just won't want to play ball.

So, we're all therefore stuck with two options... Use, abuse, replace these cheap imports or make up twofers (ie one plug, cabled out to 2 sockets) which whilst not strictly within the IE code, should be perfectly acceptable IF made up by a competent sparks using decent quality parts.


OT - doublers are another reason why the purported move to 16A as an industry standard might struggle in a small way - 2/3 way 16A adaptors are available, but MAN are they big and ugly and cumbersome!!! :blink:

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However, I had a half dozen new ones only 2 weeks ago and they're a different style - these have the twin sockets at an angle (which makes plugging 'em all together for storage in the cupboard a small pain...) so I'd have to assume that these are the current best option....


Oh dear, these are the ones that I thought we were on about! Fragile and prone to bad contacts.


The reason the sockers are at an angle (having had two fall apart in my hands, I had time to study the insides), is so the connecting bars between the pins are horizontal across the grelco, probably a money saving design.

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However, I had a half dozen new ones only 2 weeks ago and they're a different style - these have the twin sockets at an angle...
Oh dear, these are the ones that I thought we were on about!...
Actually, these are exactly the ones we are on about. The older Snapper 2's which stacked neatly and didn't break at the slightest puff of wind are fine. Its those 'orrible, spiral stacking bits of nonsense that are the problem. Good thing in one way in that we're going to get a new, better design - bad in that there might be a long delay before we see any.


Anyone else spoken to their suppliers yet? What was the response?

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