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Reverse Radio


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Looking to find a reverse radio, need to TX a signal to a moving truck which will have a Harley Davidson sitting on top. For a few reasons we cannot fire the bike itself up to make the sound (sadly)... so we need to re-create it. My initial thoughts are reverse radio, but as of yet I cannot find any clue where I can find one, I know they exist but where?!


Any thoughts, or for that matter ideas, would be more than welcome.


Thanks in advance,



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Looking to find a reverse radio, need to TX a signal to a moving truck


Why not just use a beltpack and receiver?


You may need to pad the signal down to mic level (using a DI perhaps), make up an adaptor lead and emulate a battery so you can plug into the mains but that should be all fairly straightforward.


I know people sometimes do it that way for getting a signal to their delay stacks at outdoor events.

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The way I've previously done this kind of fair is to use a 12v dry cell concealed in the truck somewhere, a car amp and something like a 101 or control1. Then you just get a suitable RX (I've used Senny e300) and power converter. Then at the desk end you take your Aux or whatever output through a DI and into the input on the lav pack, Job done.


The last time I did this was for a poor kid who had to lump a barrel organ on stage with all that clobber in it, it was show stable for about half an hour.


It's not the neatest solution and you have to keep an eye on battery life etc, nut it works suprisingly well.





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Can you not just use a cheap belt pack receiver? The type used for in-ear monitors, the transmitters look almost identical to the rack mount receivers. My old venue used a pair of receivers a couple of times for the crew to listen to cans with, not as good as radio cans, but did the job. Of course I'm wondering why you cant just put the playback device on the truck?


in fact




or just search their website for personal monitoring systems.


Let there be Google! :)

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Thanks for your quick replies as usual guys... Some good ideas for a starter! Was thinking along the same lines as the ideas that have been said.


Really I need a stable way of making sure this happens, it is used twice, it is critical it does work without fail. I could just imagine the directors face as this Harley Davidson appears on-stage...........silent... hmmmm!


Bruce, Is your system reliable, would you be willing to borrow/hire it to me?!






P.S. The show is being triggered via SFX (the computer software), therfore there is no possible way to mount the PB device on the truck. Would also mean having someone having to press G-O, and I would have no control over the output once it had been triggered.

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Hi Ben,

The most reliable way to do this would be to use an inear system which will give you rock soild RF and good sound quality.

The transmitter is mains powered and accepts a line level signal with-out having to use a DI.

For playback you could always use a small 12v amp/speaker combo on the truck with a larger speaker/subbass off stage to give the bikes entrance some impact.


Lots of different inear systems are available from different hire companies.

PM me if you need a price



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To echo CHubby's response - the way I have done similar before is to use an IEM transmitter and a radio mic receiver unit. We have a Fohhn Easyport portable PA which can run off its own rechargable 12v battery. This is also used to power the Sennheiser Radio Receiver fitted in it. For reliability, worth fitting a good antenna in a clear external position for best reception and possibly a directional antenna at the transmitter.


Works a treat and reliability is good.



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P.S. The show is being triggered via SFX (the computer software), therfore there is no possible way to mount the PB device on the truck. Would also mean having someone having to press G-O, and I would have no control over the output once it had been triggered.


Oh dear. If there is "no possible way" to do this then the technology that works in theme parks, rides and attractions worldwide cant possibly work. You've just turned the clock back a few decades.


The obvious way to do this is a Gilderfluke audio playback brick on the truck feeding the on-truck amplifier and speakers. The only remaining question then is how to get a trigger from SFX to the truck, and if you ask Stage Research they'll probably give you a dozen ways to do it. You put a few snippets of audio into the brick, and then SFX instructs which one to play back. Job done.


Of course, as Chris Tarrent is fond of saying, "Its only easy if you know the answers", and theres lots of entertainment rlated fields out there, and what is obvious with those with knowledge in one field may be impossible to those skilled in the art of another...

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One of these may well be what you're looking for, with a beltpack transmitter and DI.


A totally self-contained battery-powered speaker with rf reciever built in - we use one of these as a portable PA on the ship, and it doesn't sound too bad.

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Cheers once again guys, I have had no tech-drawings yet, although from what I hear this truck is going to be fairly small, therefore causing even more limitations as to what I can use.


I think at this moment in time I am going to use the IEM theory. Now I have heard positive comments about this I fell much happier using it!


Very interesting about the idea from dbuckley, CERTAINLY something I will be looking into for the future! I have not finalised any ideas so please, if you stumble across anything or are reading this post a bit later please pass it on!


Many thanks,



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Very interesting about the idea from dbuckley, CERTAINLY something I will be looking into for the future! I have not finalised any ideas so please, if you stumble across anything or are reading this post a bit later please pass it on!

See, if you're playing with SFX (the product) then you are dabbling with the dark side, and you're on the cusp of going places ordinary stagers do not dare to tread. Whisper those words... show control. To see what happens when the insanity gets you look here at some madness of mine using a similar product, includng a radio link...


More seriously, the term "obvious" has different connitations depending on which bit(s) of this industry you are familiar with, and what techniques and technologies you feel happiest with doing a show.

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One of these may well be what you're looking for, with a beltpack transmitter and DI.


A totally self-contained battery-powered speaker with rf reciever built in - we use one of these as a portable PA on the ship, and it doesn't sound too bad.


While I don't want to diss this, and have often been tempted by something like this for those times when a simple 1 box solutions would just be so much easier, don't you just have to love this quote from the supplier:


"Provides clear, powerful PA for crowds of 4,000 or more."

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