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Old Parcan Scanner from 1980


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So, I tried with 12DC on the miror and it did reset. But with the controller it does not work. Somebody wrote that it can be controlled with 0-10V. Is it true, because I measured -14V/+14V out of the controller.


I seem to recall it is 0-10V as I used to run them off a Kliegl desk - that's how long ago it was I used them - but in the 80's they were the 'poor man' moving light, Vari*Lite being the alternative........ They ran on two channels for each unit (X,Y) and a 3rd channel for colour changes, the inner cage would hold three gels and could be rotated. And for another show I ran them off a Apple IIe computer! It had a custom card fitted to talk to the units but worked rather well.


I'm still wondering what is the use of those dipswitches.

I think those were to set the orientation of the units so that if you had two facing each other you could match the movement, ie. if you set two X channels at 70& they would both move left rather than one going left and the other going right.

Maybe they also set the control voltage level but can't be sure about that, it has been a few decades and shows since I last played with them <_<

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  • 6 months later...

Our new tec has just dug two panscans out of the lighting cupboard, does anyone have any opinions on them? are they any good? currently we have no cables for them so we would have to buy some if we were to use them and I was just wondering if any other people had good/ bad reviews of them to help us decide whether or not to spend some money on them for cables.


B :D

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Talking of ancient parcan based MLs... Anyone remember these:



or these




Would love to know if anyone's got any or knows of, them lying around/actually working still. Saw a rig of 4, some years back at an amdram venue that'd acquired them somehow, didn't do any of the fancy tricks more modern fixtures do, but still quite novel none the less.


Wouldn't be a total surprise TBH if there were still some.. somewhere, specially the Parscan 2's. I mean.. their around the same age as VL 2's & 4's and there's a good few of them still knocking around.. granted thought they'll have had a fair bit more effort put into keeping them running! But still...



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Talking of ancient parcan based MLs... Anyone remember these:




I worked on those back here in the late 80's when I was with Strand.

Strand had both PARSCANS & LITESCANS (moving focusable light with douser) and were trying to get them accepted as useable moving lights here in Oz.

Unfortunately Morpheus & Pan command system lights were making massive inroads in the touring scene.

Strands product was far inferior. :-(


I operated the Parscans a few times, as I was the only one here who could keep them maintained & operational.

They were clunky & noisy, but did work!

Non DMX, they had their own proprietary control cable and only wrked from 2 specific Strand desks that ONLY operated the moving lights.

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I'm failry sure that the Icon stock was retired not long after LSD's merger with PRG, around the same sort of time the. Shame the Icon was a nice fixture albeit a bit large and weighty by todays standards. The washlight however wasn't quite up to the same standard in my opinion.
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as this seems to be turning onto vintage mover's fancier corner, how about some of these


still doing sterling service for me 22 years after their debut!

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