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James Remo

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Everything posted by James Remo

  1. “Progressive rock will incur a 20% surcharge”
  2. Projectionists and video engineers in particular are a breed that are suffering from the same issue as “mechanics” becoming “fitters”. I remember the precise nature of lining up banks of 2050’s with offset lenses and gemini or dove dissolve units, and barco 801’s and the like. Nowadays you don’t have to worry so much about the geometry, just over scan and warp the corners in with the corner keystone correction.
  3. Get in touch with justlite and litton lane at the rock and roll end of the market, or magpie and conference services at the corporate end
  4. Not really. More “it’s not me, it’s you” to steal the words of Miss Ruby Wood - A bit more certain of the position than an obtuse blanket statement.
  5. LD “I’m definitely sending 100% on ch 501 to that smoke machine” Me “Swisson tells me you ain’t.” LD “Oh... I guess it’s me then” Checks patch “Ahh....” Priceless.
  6. The DMX cat is great for benching fixtures, with its large library and easy to use app. For grabbing a tester to fix an onstage problem the swisson wins out for its ruggedness, simplicity and speed, it’s a one box solution that doesn’t need a phone to connect, or turn arounds to monitor DMX input. They are different tools for different jobs, each with their own specialty. The chauvet rdm2go gets positive feedback from those that have it, however one moan I’ve heard is the rechargeable battery. You can always grab a new pp3 (from the lamp check on your art rack perhaps?) and keep going with the swisson, where as the chauvet needs to be recharged, probably just when you need it most
  7. The Martin glaciator is the only unit that comes to mind that doesn’t use co2 or dry ice. You need to keep an eye on the drip tray for long term use
  8. VME are currently selling off some bits that may be of interest on the popular auction site https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/vme_ltd/m.html?item=283506094855&hash=item420247b307%3Ag%3AMPMAAOSwc4Fc9lY0&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562
  9. If the anytronics is outside the budget then I expect this is too, but having been rather impressed when I came across it in a theatre in Ireland recently I think it needs a little more exposure. £880 plus vat from canford, but who pays full price ;) https://www.elclighting.com/products/sidekick-too/
  10. The last time this design went out they used doughty modular frames, now it’s heading to festival season it needs to be refined and faster to deploy. I figured I might find exactly what I envisaged on a shelf somewhere, but I guess the custom fab route wouldn’t be too time consuming, as long as I can prototype and get it signed off within the next month. The zip-clip stuff looks interesting, thanks
  11. Looks good! A lot neater than what I had in mind, I do worry the batten might droop as it’s going to stand off a little, but worth buying a bunch to try out. Anyone else have any suggestions?
  12. The A rig will require roughly 300 of these, whilst the reutlinger is a wonderful unit, and I already own a bunch of the type 80, its massively over engineered for this application, and would blow the budget sky high. A simple clamp made of two plates and a bolt is more what I had in mind, with the plates having a saddle and bump profile for clamping onto the SWR. I've seen the type of unit so I know they exist, akin to half a bike seat mount, about the size of a speaker clamp. The idea is the soft ladders drop directly into road trunks for transport, and a clunky reutlinger would likely damage the diffusers if rattling around in the box on the truck.
  13. Something like the type 25 Bo6 might work, but I'd want to use a larger gauge swr than 2mm for this application. It has to be tour worthy, bumping in and out of festivals all summer
  14. I’m looking for a specific type of wire rope clamp, that could be used to secure a Martin Sceptron to a drop wire, effectively making a ‘soft ladder’ where the sceptron form the rungs of the ladder. Ideally it would clamp onto about an inch of swr, so the units don’t twist downwards under their own weight, and have a hole for an m6 bolt to attach through, as I would like to bolt to the extrusion directly. My internet searches only turn up wire rope grips of various designs, nothing really suitable. Any pointers of more specific search terms or products that might fit the bill? Thanks in advance James
  15. Cheaper than building one? https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F123415221980
  16. Yes, works perfectly fine. In fact early Avolites Pearls only had 2 DMX 5 pin connectors, from which the 4 universes were available, I still have a set of convertors in my tools. Companies like Siyan have 5 core FOH looms, on small jobs you use them without adaptors, on bigger jobs you can get 2(x) universes down the (x) cables in the loom.
  17. Apart from the Martin M-Touch I don't know of another company that lets you use more than one "master" wing. In fact gMa onpc hardware can't be used with their desks, Avo tiger touch wings can't be used with the titan mobile, and the titan mobile wing doesn't work with the titan one dongle. With chamsys you can use the extra wings with both desks and wing systems, and even on their own they unlock the full features of maqic q. I can loose one of my two boxes from my fly system and still have a show (MQ 80 in one box, 2 extra wings and a B4 in another, laptop in carry on)
  18. So this “safety announcement” is basically “don’t force it in the wrong way”??? I’ve seen local crew force speakon and old powercon in the wrong way, yet no announcement about them? I did have a bunch of truecon which worked their way loose in the connectors, but I put that down to poor manufacturing, as once tightened up properly the issue didn’t re-occur, and that was on a 3 month arena tour.
  19. For the record I found a workable solution to the issue I was having, setting an empty channel to blink on and off keeps the DMX frame rate up to 5fps which keeps the cheaper lights from 'dropping' data and glitching.
  20. In Vancouver tonight, ended up with the 1 universe DMX king box that is ok as a DMX input to the resolume servers, but have had a couple of issues using it as an output node (as I am doing today, as the house ArtNet nodes 'could not be reconfigured' to the 2.x.x.x range.. and our setup has fixed ip's and is quite involved with midi triggers over network from ableton machines) with cheaper led fixtures
  21. Does anyone have any experience with the LSC Nexus nodes? They have come up as an option. POE again.... I have ruled out the DMX King product, DMX in only unicasts to one ip address only. Bad info, the DMX King does do broadcast on DMX in
  22. Good to know, think I've ruled them out. Anyone have any experience with sundrax? http://www.sundrax.com/our-products-category/theatre-stage-lighting/
  23. Cheap but ticks the boxes. The UK distributer doesn't list it, but the US one does at a cheaper price point, I could get it delivered to the first venue. I know folks who use the 4 way DMX King nodes, will get some more input on their products.
  24. Do you know how big the wall wart for this is?
  25. Hi all, Looking for recommendations for a small, reliable single universe DMX to artnet unit. Basically I'm touring a pair of Resolume servers, and on an upcoming tour I'd like to have the option of DMX control rather than Artnet, due to some venues not having cat 5 lines in their FOH runs. Size is fundamental, the rig is already overflowing from the peli 1510 it lives in (hand luggage restrictions due to flights) Both servers receive the same control signals, as they are main and backup, so the converter needs to broadcast rather than unicast. Ideally I would go with a Luminex DMX2 Truss, but it's too big and requires POE. But would match the artnet nodes I already own, and I do have the budget for it. I've used the Enttec ODE, but it's still a bit big, POE or a big-ish wall wart. Didn't like the NMU config software. Ive seen the Smart Show Net Buddy on ebay, but fly on Sunday and don't have the lead time as they are made to order, and look a little cheap. Can anyone vouch for their reliability? ELC XLAN buddy looks like a good option, usb powered (already have a 5 way usb psu to power blackmagic HDMI to SDI convertors) but have had friends trash ELC nodes due to issues in the past, not experienced them myself. Doesn't look too rugged though ELC XLAN 1 looks better made, but again requires POE. Can upgrade my network switch to one with POE if needed, but can't really increase the size of the unit (currently a netgear GS105, haven't found a branded POE switch in the same size) Is there anything else out there that people can recommend, the key features being :- DMX to artnet, small, usb powered, reliable, web page config preferred. Thanks J
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