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Shopping for a Strand 200


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Hi guys,


Just after a bit of help. I asked months ago for advice on a small lighting desk for use in a school. We allready have a Bull Frog so something simple for our drama studio. We decided (with help from br members) to go for the strand 200. The problem is that we have to buy in the next week or so, My question is were from. Im looking for a reputable dealer and a good price. Any sugestions







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If you want a reputable dealer then stage electrics is always good, but they are pricey.

Talk to Stage LX - like any good dealer they'll more than likely look at price matching for a deal.



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I remember a "small" company that used to do that, and look where it got them!




I tend to stick with one supplier, and as long as they are in the right ballpark price wise I always will probably. It is down to "relationship" as the late great Lew Grade always said :stagecrew:


ps , my prefered company has been quoted already here :huh:

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