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Stepper Motors


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Hi all,

I'm just wondering what makes the difference between 8bit and 16 bit stepper motors found on intelligent scans. They both look the same and I know that a mirror will run smoother on a 16 bit motor than an 8 bit mottor but how? Does one take finer or more 'steps' inside the motor and why can't you get 32 bit stepper motors? Does price come into play whether a scan has 16 or 8 bit stepper motors?


I'm just in a 'mmm I'll ask BR about something I don't know' mood. I obviously know that I'd rather have 16 bit pan and tilt mirror movement than 8 bit - yuk.

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It's not so much the motors that are different but the control electronics.


Consider a mover which can rotate 540 degrees. With 8-bit resolution you have a total of 256 steps so each step will be around 2.1 degree, which is actually quite a large step. Now, if we move to 16-bit resolution we have a total of 65,536 steps making each step, well let's just say it's very tiny.


The motors themselves often have a native step of 1.8 degrees which is reduced by running them through a gearbox.

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