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GSA Training BA (hons)

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Hi Jen,


Thanks for the lovely long reply. Yes, I was having a little rant (possible to do with I only have 12 months to go before I am 40 <_< )



I think the point I was trying to get across was when all the graduate walk out the door of the various colleges, all at the same time, 18+ from each school, looking for a job all at the same time, is not the same as 6 leaving every term from each school. THis was the case when I was at RADA as a student and as apart of the teaching staff.



Of course quality is better than quantity; however, I beleive there is no substitute for practice, practice, practice. If you look below you will see a post from one of the chaps from RSAMD. This course seems like a perfect example of how a course should be. Lots of shows, working on stage rather than sitting in a classroom. Call me old fashion if you like.. but maybe I am ! :D


Degrees have been devalued across the entire education establishment. This is purely to do with colleges having to fight for students, for example: A college may only be allowed to take in 26 students per annum for a certain course, say Information technology, even though 200 apply, they then have to put "bums on seats" and offer some very strange courses indeed just to survive. I an NOT saying SM is a strange course for one minute so don't get me wrong on that point.


The issue really is . Do people actually need a Degree in stage managment?


Concerning my "bad experiences" with graduates of various drama colleges........ yes I have. And I also used to work in one so have seen it from the point of view of a student, a member of staff and as an employer. From what I seen, unless a student is REALLY REALLY Bad.... they will still pass. On the other hand. some students who have failed a course. have turned out to be fantastic stage managers 5-6 years after leaving. So............ what does this say about whether a qualfication is actually very important? I am open to comments on this.


Oh, and before I forget.. I would never think badly of a college based on one experience of one bad student, and vice versa.

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Hi Paul


Thanks for your reply. I had read Steve's posting about the RSAMD course and you're both quite right about practice, practice, practice. This is why I believe the degree course I attended to be a good course, and why I chose it. The majority of the work we did was hands on, with ample opportunity for further practice in the 'real world' through outside placements and casual work in our own time.


As for people really needing a degree in stage management, I don't believe they necessarily do. What is needed is the opportunity to learn and practice skills and to gain experience. Attending a good college course is a way of ensuring you have that opportunity for three solid years, with the opportunity for mentoring from professionals, like yourself, who lecture at the college. However, just because its possible to learn such skills without ever setting foot in a college, doesn't mean that those who choose to go to college have wasted their time (obviously some of them might waste their time - but hopefully their final degree, should they pass, reflect their lack of effort!). As I said before, I don't believe that college is right for everyone, I'm just eager that those who choose the college route get adequate recognition for the effort they've put in and the experience they've gained.


I've been very lucky to work solidly since graduating with people who are familiar with the practices of my college, and value their training. However they, and I, have always understood that the degree hasn't made me an 'instant stage manager' with 20 years experience. I still have a lot to learn and imagine I'll still be learning till the day I retire. <_<


Anyway, thanks again for your reply. I hope you have better luck with students and graduates in the future!



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