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Ear Plugs

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I normally use disposables but I'm finding that the cut out most of tom-mid stuff but I still get a hell of a lot of bass coming through.... its a bit like white noise! I'm after something with a bit of a broader frequency range type thing!
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I used Doc's Pro plugs. There are 9 sizes, and the supplier helps choose the right size. Mine cost £12. Most drum shops stock them.

They reduce all frequencies by about 20db, and everything above 10kHz by another 10db.


Mine work well and just cut off the harshness on my hihats and snare.

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Have you tired your local high street chemist for the disposable kind of ear plugs?


Very cheap.... depends how many gigs your doing per week/month


I can recommend pro plugs, very good. They come in two sorts, vented and

non-vented, depending on the noise levels that are invovled.

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The Etymotic ER-20's are, in my opinion, amazing. Claimed 20dB attenuation, the only things to watch out for, are how you insert them into the ear (the 'banana' curve, the end points up) and make sure that the inside of your ears are fairly clean beforehand... the plugs are a wax magnet!



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I use docs proplugs, also available from richer sounds for a tenner; good even frequency response, but not the greatest protection. I'd use them at a club or gig I wanted to enjoy.


For work, either I'm doing sound and it's not practical, or I'm doing lights and I'll wear 3m disposables; work should provide them if you're working in a club or other loud venue, and they're bloody cheap anyway (£20 for 100). The frequency response isn't so good, but you're never going to get ones that block a lot of bass, it's not physically possible.

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