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Replacing Legacy Fresnels


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We are shortly looking to replace about 40 legacy Fresnel lamps. We would be interested to hear from others who have done this or who have some ideas on what replacement lamps they have or would use. We would like the benefits of reduced power requirements, low heat output , no gel changes and so on of the LED lights.
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We are shortly looking to replace about 40 legacy Fresnel lamps. We would be interested to hear from others who have done this or who have some ideas on what replacement lamps they have or would use. We would like the benefits of reduced power requirements, low heat output , no gel changes and so on of the LED lights.


Do you mean just the lamp (aka 'bulb') or the entire unit? What are the units you currently have (Wattage, beam angle)?

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There are all kinds of nice options.


I don't really do much at the super-low end so have no sensible suggestions there. Buyer beware down at that end of the market, I guess...


At the lower but not junky end, the Chauvet Ovation fresnels are quite nice: https://www.chauvetprofessional.com/products/category/fresnels/ Quite a few choices available there, too.


Midrange, you have the ETC Colorsource spot with the Fresnel adaptor. https://www.etcconnect.com/Products/Lighting-Fixtures/ColorSource-Spot/Features.aspx?utm_campaign=ColorSource


Nicer than that, you can put the same adaptor on a Lustr body. https://www.etcconnect.com/Products/Lighting-Fixtures/Source-Four-LED-Adapters/Adapters.aspx?utm_campaign=Source-Four-LEDS


If you're feeling flush and only need white, the Juliat Zeps are verrrry nice: https://www.robertjuliat.com/singlelenslum/ZEP_340_360.html


Or if you're insane, then the Arri L7-C is pretty great, if a stupid amount of money: https://www.arri.com/en/lighting/led/l-series/l7-c (Nicely featured in the new Rob Delaney special on Amazon Prime, btw.)





I wouldn't feel bad about any of those options but will note that the quality does indeed increase pretty linearly as you move up in cost. What's your budget look like?



And; Don't forget that your poor old dimmers are no good for these guys, so you'll need to update the boring and unsexy end of things too. And add DMX distribution if you don't already have it / enough.

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I'm wondering when standard fresnels became worthy of the term 'legacy'. Unless they are completely shot to pieces and electrically dangerous. Or were awful fresnels to begin with.


Fact is that the 'benefits' of LED fixtures in certain terms have often been rather overstated by manufacturers and keen upgraders alike, while few claims could be said to be actually untrue. Yes, they use less power, yes they get less hot, yes your gel buying budget and time spent accessing the fixtures to change colours will be removed. If stakeholders are dead set on 'out with the old' then go for it - after all, the will of the people must prevail. ;)

Edited by indyld
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I'm wondering when standard fresnels became worthy of the term 'legacy'. Unless they are completely shot to pieces and electrically dangerous. Or were awful fresnels to begin with.

Unless you have a huge budget AND what you use them for has dramatically changed, why not keep & cherish them until you can no longer buy spare bulbs? By then it is just possible that there might be affordable LED equivalents with a lifetime of even a tiny fraction of that of a decent halogen Fresnel.

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I'm wondering when standard fresnels became worthy of the term 'legacy'. Unless they are completely shot to pieces and electrically dangerous. Or were awful fresnels to begin with.

Unless you have a huge budget AND what you use them for has dramatically changed, why not keep & cherish them until you can no longer buy spare bulbs? By then it is just possible that there might be affordable LED equivalents with a lifetime of even a tiny fraction of that of a decent halogen Fresnel.


We all talk about the availability of bulbs, what about gel?


Until about 6 months ago it seemed the choice in gel always seemed to be getting bigger, Lee have discontinued one range, some colours in their standard range have been discontinued and my supplier says that some whilst on the Lee's list are not currently available until (if) they make some more.


Obviously other ranges / suppliers are available but I can only see colour choice going down.

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I'm wondering when standard fresnels became worthy of the term 'legacy'. Unless they are completely shot to pieces and electrically dangerous. Or were awful fresnels to begin with.

Unless you have a huge budget AND what you use them for has dramatically changed, why not keep & cherish them until you can no longer buy spare bulbs? By then it is just possible that there might be affordable LED equivalents with a lifetime of even a tiny fraction of that of a decent halogen Fresnel.


We all talk about the availability of bulbs, what about gel?


Until about 6 months ago it seemed the choice in gel always seemed to be getting bigger, Lee have discontinued one range, some colours in their standard range have been discontinued and my supplier says that some whilst on the Lee's list are not currently available until (if) they make some more.


Obviously other ranges / suppliers are available but I can only see colour choice going down.

Well that's just simple economics, if colour ABC123 nas not sold for a certain period of time, I wouldn't expect them to make anymore.
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