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Hand held DMX desk


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Some time ago, many years, I saw a handheld unit being used during focussing. It was about 4"x2"x1", a single slider control, led showing channel number, buttons to set the channel, with a trailing XLR lead and powered by a PP3. Does anyone have any ideas if something similar is still available.

I currently use a little Transcension 8 slider desk but it only does 24 channels.

I'm not looking for an Ipad solution.

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Not sure about the unit you saw, I'm not aware of any units like this with a physical fader, but pretty much any DMX tester will give this functionality. For example the swisson xmt-120A, or a wireless alternative would be a DMXCat, which is controlled via bluetooth from a phone/tablet (and can be used to check intelligent fixtures as well as generics.


If you're wanting to be controlling a desk remotely then most manufacturers allow a networked device some amount of control, e.g. avo have their titan remote app, MA allow network control...

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Sunray, I think you may be thinking of the "Anytronics Anytest One". I used to use it for loading rainbow scrollers! A physical fader was handy for this. Long since discontinued though. Plenty of other more flexible options now.


I still have one, but I use a Swisson instead now.

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Some nice suggestions, many are much bigger than I'd hoped.  


I found a pic of the anytronics and I think It may be the unit I saw before. Not thought of selling, I assume, Martin?

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From your original description it sounds like the old V1 Dr DMX.


LINK HERE to the only one I can find that claims to be selling it.


I have one which I gave to my father for his Amdram projects.

It has the fader, keypad and Laser pointer.


Wasn't the best but still does a great job for focusing.


I replaced my Swisson with the now discontinued ELC Checker for the simple reason it has a keypad for fast access and RDM and a custom fixture database.


I've used DMXCat but I'm not sold on it. Like so many app linked items now, once the IOS is no longer supported you are forced to buy a new iPhone, Android etc.

Plus an all in one solution is easier to make a safety to your harness for climbing in the rig when fault finding.


EDIT - Just found a perfect example of iPhone support for a product being discontinued LINK HERE

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From your original description it sounds like the old V1 Dr DMX.


LINK HERE to the only one I can find that claims to be selling it.


I have one which I gave to my father for his Amdram projects.

It has the fader, keypad and Laser pointer.


Wasn't the best but still does a great job for focusing.


I replaced my Swisson with the now discontinued ELC Checker for the simple reason it has a keypad for fast access and RDM and a custom fixture database.


I've used DMXCat but I'm not sold on it. Like so many app linked items now, once the IOS is no longer supported you are forced to buy a new iPhone, Android etc.

Plus an all in one solution is easier to make a safety to your harness for climbing in the rig when fault finding.


EDIT - Just found a perfect example of iPhone support for a product being discontinued LINK HERE

I think it was the Anytronics but this looks like a similar product.I've tried ordering but it seems they only post to Spain...




Thanks for the heads up, I'll keep trying.

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We've got an ELC Focus Hand. It ought to do what you need, and its wireless too. It doesn't have a display though.


If anyone's interested I've got an ELC Focus Hand 3 that's no longer used I'd be willing to sell....


Hi Richard, I'm interested in the ELC Focus Hand 3 you have. I've PM'd you.

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