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Remove colour wheel - Mac 250 Entour


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I need to remove the colour wheel from a Martin Mac 250 Entour. I've already removed the entire FX module and the lens but now I can't figure out how to remove the actual colour wheel! There's little alien key bolts on the shaft part between the fixed gobo wheel and the colour wheel, I loosened those assuming the fixed gobo wheel would be able to pop off but it didn't seem to work.... So If thats not how you do it then how does one do it? It's got to come apart somehow!



Any guidance would be great Thank You!

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I don't suppose you have a photo? I haven't touch an Entour in a long time, but it sounds like you are along the right lines, they have 2 little grub screws onto the spindle of the stepper motor. These do have a tendency to be a PITA to remove as they start corroding at the slightest hint of moisture!
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You are doing it right but they tend to stick on the motor shaft. You need to persuade it to unstick by putting something down between the wheel and the motor and carefully levering it away.

I'd add to that, that you should use two levers (e.g. broad bladed screwdrivers) between the motor casing and the hub of the colour wheel. The levers need to be 180 degrees apart and try to apply force alternately in a rocking motion. I've also found that squirting a bit of isopropyl alcohol into the holes where the grub screws were helps.

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Wow thanks for all the super fast replies!! I can upload some photos tomorrow (I don’t have it in front of me at the moment).


Glad you guys think I’m doing it correctly, Am I correct in saying I first need to remove the fixed gobo wheel before I can remove the colour wheel? Or should I be removing the motor on the back in order to release the colour wheel?

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The shaft is part of the motor, you cannot separate those.


I haven't been inside a mac 250 for a while but I assume from your description the colour wheel is free running on the gobo motor shaft, driven by a belt? In which case yes you need to get the gobo wheel off.


Why do you need to remove it, there is some difficult alignment to do when you reassemble.

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The shaft is part of the motor, you cannot separate those.


I haven't been inside a mac 250 for a while but I assume from your description the colour wheel is free running on the gobo motor shaft, driven by a belt? In which case yes you need to get the gobo wheel off.


Why do you need to remove it, there is some difficult alignment to do when you reassemble.




Correct, the fixed gobo wheel and the color wheel seem to be on the same shaft but they're driven by separate motors(fixed gobo wheel is direct, color wheel is with a belt)

The reason I want to remove the colour wheel is I want to glue new glass onto it.. one of the previous owners of this before me changed a bunch f the colours for whatever reason.... it has 4 different greens, 4 blues, 2 oranges..... 0 red, pink and purple... But I have a color wheel from a different moving head(Studio Due Shark 250) with all the "normal" colours, so I'm attempting to put those glass pieces into the mac 250 entour's colour wheel!.


The Mac 250 Entour's colour wheel has these little plastic clips designed to be able to easily swap out/ replace colours however I guess because it's so old all of the clips are either broken or very brittle and break when you try to remove them so I figured I would just glue the glass right onto the wheel but I need full access to the colour wheel first!




I tried removing the screws again on the shaft but that does not seem to release the fixed gobo wheel at all, even when I use quite a bit of force.


Here's some photo's:

a few photo's

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They can get really stuck on, it's the heat inside the fixture.


Also make sure you have definitely found and loosened all the grub screws on the gobo wheel. There might be 2 or 3.


Try putting it gobo wheel upwards with the motor on a firm surface, put something over the central boss (e.g. an opened pair of pliers so the shaft goes up the middle but the face of the pliers rests on the central boss) and tap it with a hammer to break the bond. Once you have got it moving on the shaft you can prise it off from behind using a lever on each side as suggested by DrV above.


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Thanks everyone. I've decided to just glue the glass pieces to the removable plastic things instead of directly to the colour wheel.... so I no longer need to remove the wheel. I feel like it will be a little more tedious to do it this way but it's not that big of a deal really


Thanks for all the responses!!

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  • 2 weeks later...



I need to remove the colour wheel from a Martin Mac 250 Entour. I've already removed the entire FX module and the lens but now I can't figure out how to remove the actual colour wheel! There's little alien key bolts on the shaft part between the fixed gobo wheel and the colour wheel, I loosened those assuming the fixed gobo wheel would be able to pop off but it didn't seem to work.... So If thats not how you do it then how does one do it? It's got to come apart somehow!



Any guidance would be great Thank You!


You need a very long Allen Key (I think 2mm from memory) which you can get from RS. If you shine a torch behind the colour wheel, you will see a small black Allen bolt in the shaft. It's too far for a normal length Allen key (don't even try it, as you could break the filters), thus you need the long one to get to it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

He's already undone the grub screws. It's stuck on the shaft.



I am surprised nobody designed a special removal tool for those shafts. From experience I have had many problems in the past.

Some sort of bearing puller or expanding minature scissor jack?

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