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Lights constantly flashing


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hi all, I have rcently started using the lighting system at my school and have had it working for many weeks, but one weekend it just suddenly started strobing constantly whenever I try to turn a light on, but my friend who had been using it for the same amount of time as me can still control the lights perfectly fine, and I have used another laptop to see if it was just a problem with my laptop specifically but it strobed constantly once again, I am using an enttec open DMX usb with a 5 pin to 3 pin adapter on it, I have downloaded the driver from the enttec website but it still doesn't seem to work, I will upload a video of the lights on Monday
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Hi Josh.Welcome to the Blue Room.


A few questions:


What sort of rig - is it dimmers and conventionals, "intelligent" fixtures such as LEDs and movers, or a mixture?


What are you using to control it? You say you're using an entec openDMX, so which software are you controlling it with?

Has anything changed since you had it working - cabling changed, a change to the software you're using?

What is different between your setup and the setup your friend has? Is it the same DMX adapter ? If not, have you tried swapping adapters in case your openDMX has developed a fault?

Try to eliminate the differences one by one until you find what has changed.

Good luck.

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Hi,I am using a dimmer setup with 8 lights connected to it and I am using qlc+ to control the fixtures and my friend is able to control the lights perfectly fine using the same setup as I have but the only different between out two setups are the computer so there has to be something I am missing that he has such as software or drivers, I have downloaded the enttec open DMX driver and tried on a completely separate computer, the only things on the computer are qlc+ enttec open DMX driver
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Is he simply plugging the entec into his computer instead of your? If so, that strongly suggests a software problem rather than a problem somewhere in the rig or the interface. Can you compare versions on the drivers, software etc? Also, are all computers running the same OS and version?


I'm not familiar with QLC+

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Anything using the Enttec Open DMX interface is going to be a little sensitive to the processor which is driving it. This is because the Open DMX doesn't have an internal buffer (unlike its big brother, the PRO). As a result the processor has to write every DMX packet in real time whereas the PRO only needs it to be written once. This may be the cause of your problem.


Try ensuring that nothing else is running on the computer.

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Where in the world are you? Sounds like you need to get in touch with someone who can come and assist in person. Are there any lighting or AV hire companies local to you that you might be able to phone for advice? Most should be more than happy to help a local school.
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Could you not ask one of the members of staff? Practically speaking, if your friend plugs their laptop in and it works but yours doesn’t then it’s a computer issue not a lighting one so you need to look at what is different as clearly the interface to the lights path is solid and functional. Your computer won’t drive it, so that’s where you need to start looking. Silly question but when it did work have you changed anything on it? You mentioned drivers. Can you roll back to the ones that did work?
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Is he simply plugging the entec into his computer instead of yours?


This is a crucial question since your previous post isn't clear. To put it another way, are you using the same entec device or are you using a different one (although it may be an identical model). If you are using different entec devices then the problem lies in your entec or your computer or the connection between them. Try connecting your computer to his Entec device and vice-versa.

If on the other hand you are both using the same entec device then the problem must be in your computer or the connection from your computer to the entec.

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The setups are completely the same we use the exact same enttec device, we only have one of them, everything in this video is the same except for the laptop




In this video I am using some quad pars as an example because the main dimmer lighting setup the lights don’t turn on enough for it to show in the video but I can also upload a video of what the dimmer box looks like when I have this turned on

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