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I have a client who's requested personalised confetti.

There looking for a logo and some text on bio degradable confetti can anyone suggest where I can source this from?

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You have a client who actually wants a logo printed onto confetti??

I have to wonder who on earth is going to take notice of it even if you can find a supplier!




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Then there is "Bio-Degradable" Paper confetti degrades but SLOWLY, don't expect it to vanish in an hour. Foil and glitters degrade but over years not days. All the confetti words I've seen are big and heavy for confetti, best placed or sprinkled by hand.
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you should be actively discouraging them against it (I've had some experiences with custom confetti made by Flutter-Fetti) not because of any problems with the product/quality but simply because confetti always sticks around and your client's name will be on pieces of litter and rubbish that will be causing problems for the venue and sub contractors for months after the event when bits fall out of curtains/air-vents at inopportune moments in serious plays / funerals / conferences. For the split second of goodwill at the moment of confetti launch the client will pay with months of ill-will caused by their perfectly branded litter.
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