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Neutrik SilentPlug mute sleeve sticking

Tom Baldwin

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Is anybody else having problems with the brass collar on Neutrik Silent Plugs sticking in the un-muted position? I mean the collar at the shoulder of the plug which moves back and forth to effect the muting action.

Not sure what the best lubricant might be to release the collar and stop the plug acting as an expensive regular jack...

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Never had that problem.


My problem with these plugs was on open mic nights where, on paper, they're the ideal solution for not needing to mute guitarists before they insert/remove their leads.


Unfortunately, I've had too many occaisions where the lead pops out mid-set. This is presumably from the socket being too loose, so the sprung collar on the plug pushes against the socket hard enough to eject the plug - hugely frustrating! My suspicion is that it may be the use of out of tolerance plugs at other points that has caused this loosening and, indeed, the people I've asked have used Monster cables - where I believe they use a slightly oversized plug to "improve" connection...


I've now stopped using them, other than for myself - where they work perfectly.

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Tom, I had one doused in beer that I cleaned up with IPA & has been fine since.


Alec, you've got me worried now - was planning on using some for a big multi performer/quick change around event tomorrow. I've never had the problem you mention, but then, the first time it happens to me is bound to be during a high profile show, rather than a little open mic night......

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I've had both problems with these - one that started sticking, and I eventually had to chuck it away. And another couple that pushed themselves out of sockets. It's a shame, because when they work, they are absolutely brilliant. I had another lead (Planet Waves, I think) that had a push-to-mute switch on the plug body, and it had so little travel that you couldn't see which position it was in. That caused a few embarrassing moments! Encouraging the guitarist to loop the cable through the strap helps.
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There are two issues that spring to mind with washing beer off with India Pale Ale:


1. There doesn't seem to be any advantage,


2. It's a waste of perfectly good beer :)



Seriously, I'm not a music man so don't have any of my own kit to plug these into and have now stopped supplying them at gigs for both of the above reasons: pushing out of worn out (or oversized) sockets and they get dropped/squashed and jamming in 'on' position.



Great idea but sadly not got it right.



edit: trying to put in some CR's

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Thanks for all the feedback.

I've tried a couple of dousings of IPA on this one, as well as some mechanical encouragement and it's still stuck, so I think it's time to replace it.


I only use them on my own gear, and up until this one, they've been great.

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Sunray, given that the pub where it happened sells Green King IPA, it is entirely possible that I was cleaning off IPA with IPAhttp://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif.


After deciding not to take the risk with my switched leads over the weekend, several of the brand new ones the organisers had purchased especially for the event failed. So, I did end up swapping some of their cables for mine (on stage, mid show http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.gif), but at least the organisers knew it wasn't my equipment.


Seems that even with the switch, my Neutrik/Van Damme cables are still a lot more reliable than the **** that says Fender on it, which has a lot of rubber, but very little copper, + poor strain relief in the cheap plugs they use.

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given that the pub where it happened sells Green King IPA it is entirely possible that I was cleaning off IPA with IPA... ,
several of the brand new ones the organisers had purchased especially for the event failed... the **** that says Fender on it,
Do they still use those chrome plated things with a nut on the centre pin holding it all together and a half hearted wrap around cable restraint? I'd like a pound for every one I've replaced with a Neutrik. I reckon they have discovered that copper is a source of noise and prefer to use cable that is mostly air.


Many many years ago when guitar cables were almost exclusively curly a friend asked me for help with some 50ft cables as their guitarist danced around a lot, they had tried mic cable but found it was not strong enough. I made a lead using 75ohm coax about 5mm diameter with 2 heavy duty screens, it was not as flexible but it never actually failed (well not until they used it as a tow rope).

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