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How many simultaneous radio microphones?


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We were watching a concert on DVD the other day and quite a few of the performers were equipped with radio microphones. It made me wonder how many simultaneous radio microphones can be used at a performance. I presume number of channels is a possible limiting factor. Is some kit digital these days so can multiplex over 1 or a small number of channels?


Just wondering.

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West end musicals frequently run in to the forties or more. Big tv productions can approach 100. More than that starts getting tricky.

There are indeed digital systems out there which can make more efficient use of spectrum. Availability of RF spectrum and the ability to pay for and licence it tend to be the significant factors.

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The new sennheiser 6000 and 9000 digital radio mic's can run hundreds of channels and you can fit up to 40 channels into each 24mhz group and that is about twice what you can do with analogue systems.


Analogue can have many channels too and I think they use around 130 mic's and IEM's on Britains got talent but it takes a lot of good frequency management to fit them all in.


Note that the lower cost digital radio mic's do not have the same capabilities of the high end kit so don't expect to go off and buy 100 line 6 systems and get the same results.


This book is a good read and very informative of how to get the best out of any radio mic system:




A couple more useful pics on channel spacing from our digital radio mic course we had at SKY:





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However, it is also a case of 'the Lord gives and the Lord takes away..."


One of the reasons for the development of newer spectrum efficient digital radio systems is that we have lost available spectrum in the 800MHz band and now face losing not only the 700MHz band but will also suffer from displaced DTV transmissions below 694MHz....

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