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Opening Announcements

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To me Mac, it just seems a bit waffly! Think what you really need to tell them


I would not put half of that in there if I had free range. This is a community theatre, run by a committee with too much time on their hands and who loves setting guidelines for everything.


- why do they need to know that the theatre is no smoking becuase of new legislations?


Because the committee says so. The multi-million dollar ad campaign that went on and on about it a few months before is enough for me, but committee says, I do.


why do they need to know how greatful the cast and crew will be? Do they really need the exits pointed out to them - it's not a flight (unless of course the law is different in AU)?? Plus the alarms bit is a bit unncessary. All in MHO anyway!




The most greatful bit is one part I have already cut. Exits dont need to be pointed out or displayed in any way, and the message about the alarms is not needed either, but "the head honchos say" is becoming the word of the day.


PS- Do many people announce the understudies any more?? I haven't had to for a while.


I was under the impression that it is often a contractual agreement with understudies. Some understudies insist on its inclusion, some don't.

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The other bit about strobe ... would in my view be something the audience need to know BEFORE they sit down. A bit late if a flash sensitive epileptic is in the middle of a row.


I'm reminded of the London Planetarium, as the lights go down the announcements begin, and it goes something like "... and no flash photography" where the word "flash" is augmented by a single strobe flash...


For announcements I've recently used some commercially available announcments intended for home theatre use, in a heavy American accent, which sounds so delightfully out-of-place amongst the Kiwi accents :blink:

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  • 2 months later...

Normally we taketurns in making our own ones up but they all tend to follow the same lines in the way of content. e.g. getting the important info across, possibly just in a different order!


Mine goes as follows:


Good evening ladies and Gentlemen, and welcome to The Auden Theatre. The audiotorium is now open for the is evening performance of 'Insert show here'. Could I please take this opertunity to remind all patrons to switch off a mobile phones and pagers, and any other electrical equipment upon entering the audiotorium. thank you, and enjoy tonights performance of 'Insert show here'!


Buy which time it is normally time for the 5 minute call!!!


just thought I'd add my 2p worth.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
One thing that really really bugs me about pre-show announcements is when the house lights are taken out BEFORE people are asked to silence phones etc....surely a little light to help people find them would be useful?! I always think its a million times more sensible to give the pre-show announcement, wait a few moments, then dim the houselights and start the show!
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I've recently used some commercially available announcments intended for home theatre use, in a heavy American accent, which sounds so delightfully out-of-place amongst the Kiwi accents :(

I find the British accent works wonders for getting people's attention over in the US. Which brings me onto...



When I last did my interval announcement, I said " There will now be a 15 minute INTERVIEW". I was half asleep and didn't realise until everyone looked at me baffled :D :)


Last night I was doing the annoucements, and ended up saying "There will now be a 15 minute interval".


This would have been fine, had it not been for the entirely american audience then wondering what the hell I was talking about, and if that meant the intermission had started.

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  • 4 months later...



On a tour I did about 6 months ago, no one actually did anything untill 'big dinners' and even then most of the crew wern't in starting posistions untill five mins after that. The five tended to mean, finish your cuppa, and begginners ment shitttt I still have half a cup left!! the worst were venues where they had a decent strand focus remote, and we had a show straight after lunch, certain lampies who shall remain nameless ran the opening sequence off the focus remote whilst finishing lunch!!


But serriously I agree about the accent thing, I had lived down under (melbourne) before coming back to the UK, the first show I worked on back over here, was as DSM, and my calls were actually listerned too, think it must have been something about my developed aussie accent!!! haven't really done calls since becoming a Lampie! responding to 'standby lx cue XXX' is hardly exciting ** laughs out loud **




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  • 7 years later...

What's stopping you from recording your own? I've asked a number of friends to record some for me over the years. My dad's is still one of the best.


The problem with having a generic pre recorded one is that it has to remain just that, generic. I much prefer to record them (assuming I'm recording and not doing them live) to fit the show and venue.


I have a generic one that I use only if I'm really stuck, which goes;

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the performance is about to begin. Please take time to check that all mobile phones are switched fully off. Please also note that photography and filming are not permitted at any point in this performance. And now please take your seats and enjoy the show". (I sometimes omit the last line if a cheery ending doesn't fit the show).


But I much prefer;

"Ladies and Gentlemen (boys and girls if it's a family show), good morning/afternoon/evening (to suit) and welcome to....... (name of theatre). Please take time to ensure that all mobile phones are switched completely off. Please also note that photography and filming are not permitted at any point in this performance. And now please take your seats and enjoy...... (name of theatre company)'s performance of (name of show)."


The personal touch is always better in my opinion, and getting a friend or member of the family to record it if you can't stand the sound of your own voice (my problem) also helps them feel like part of the team! :-)





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