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Opening Announcements

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I'm sure everyone has there own variants. Basically you wanna give people (patrons, cast, and crew) a little more time than actually exists. As long is everyone is ready at the appropriate time, you have done your job.


Here's how I do it:


60min = doors open


30min = house open (Industry Standard)


18min =15


2way Radio: "Come in house manager... How's attendance? Do you need a hold?"

Clear Com: "Everyone here?"

Back Stage announce: "Hello....15min"

FOH:"15 min to show time, insert pre show announcements here."


12min = 10


Back Stage announce: "Hello....10min"

FOH: "10 min to show time, insert pre show announcements here."

Clear Com: "Everyone here?" -discuss cues, tell jokes :blink:


7min = 5


Back Stage announce: "Hello....5min"

FOH: "5 min to show time, insert pre show announcements here."

Clear Com: "5min"


2min = Places


Back stage announce: "places"

Clear Com: "Stand by..."

FOH:"Take Seats! The show is about to begin."


0 = House to Half


House out



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  • 7 months later...
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I always thought that there was a law regarding mentioning the fire exits in a building, but could be wrong.


When working in my school theatre at the end of the dress (normally <24 hours) an actor usually decides that they would make a good replacement for the prerecorded clip we have. They inevitably get it all wrong and end up mumbling something to do with mobile phones (or stall, which is even funnier)

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I always thought that there was a law regarding mentioning the fire exits in a building, but could be wrong.


As far as I know there isn't. They need to be signed (EXIT, lit), but I have never heard a pre-show mentioning them. Usually during EVAC announcements, you mention something along the lines of "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are currently experiancing some difficulties, the fire curtain has been lowered and we are required to stop the show and evacuate the building. Please follow the directions of the ushers who will direct you to the nearest exit and to the meeting point. We ask that you remain calm and follow directions in an orderly manner. If there are any doctors in the house, can you please notify the ushers as your assitance may be required. We at <THEATRE> appologise for the inconvienience. Yada yada yada."

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A guy I work with told me that the FOH team need to point out where the fire exits are as the audience enter the building. Since the FOH team often dont mention it we just presume that we have to include it in any opening speeches we make. However if I am wrong it is one less thing to worry about.
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Poh-tate-ohs, Pho-tart-ohs.


I wasn't quibbling the phrase itself, I think they're both equally valid, I was just thinking of what would be going through the mind of your audience when either phrase was uttered.


Safety curtain = Nice, safe, happy curtain

Fire curtain = Aaaagh! Fire! Panic!

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"Good evening Ladies and Gentelmen and welcome to this Hutchesons Grammar School performance of ________. We would like to remind you that Strobe Lighting and Dry Ice effects will be used throughout the performance. We would also ask you to ensure that all Mobile Phones and Pagers are swithced off and remind you that this is a no smoking theatre. In the unlikely event of an emergency the emergency exits are located at the front and rear of the hall. Please sit back and enjoy the performance"

Thats it from memory, I will find the official printed version when term starts again *groan*

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Just got an email from the community theatre I work with quite often. The 'committee' had nothing better to do than to set some guidelines on my opening announcement.


This is what they want included:


Greeting (including a mention of the major sponsors)

Show commencement time (please make your way to your seats etc)

Reminder of non-smoking rules

Phones/Pagers/Alarms/etc off

List of sfx etc

Rating (ie moderate course language)

Evacuation procedures

Plug for major sponsors

Names of the swapped in actors (where more than one actor is cast in the role).

And I think there are some other things they want me to add.


The thing is getting quite long:


Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen. Retrovision, Blue Scope and the Dove Community Theatre would like to welcome you to this evenings performance of The Sun Don't Shine. The show will be commencing in 2 minutes, so if you could please make your way to your seats immediatly, our cast and crew would be most greatful. This venue, in accordance with recent anti-smoking legislation, is now completely non smoking, with the exception of the smokers lounge located on the left side of the bar. Please ensure that all mobile phones and pagers have been switched off as they do interfere with our electrical equiptment, and as a courtasy to our actors, any and all alarms should be switched to silent or off during the performance. The Sun Don't Shine contains mild strobing, and the use of Dry Ice Fog and Water based, hypo-alergenic haze. It also contains mild corse language, and low level nudity. In the event of an emergancy, the safety curtain will be lowered and our ushers will direct you to the nearest fire exit, indicated on screen now (Yes, they want a projection of the stage, so we have to lower the screen just for that). Tonight we have xxx in the role of John, and yyy as the Narator. This show made possible by Retrovision - We've got it, and Blue Scope - providing steel to Australia for many generations.


Personally - I just want to do that announcement prior to curtain, so I think I will have to do some convincing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow that's a long announcement Mac! Not sure I could stay awake through all of that.


Anway my generic one I normally use, unless asked otherwise, is:

Good evening ladies and gentlement and welcome to The Name of Venue for this evenings performance of Show Title. Please can we remind you that the use of photography or video equipment is strictly prohobited during this evenings performance. Can we also ask you to ensure that your mobile phones are turned off. Thank You and Enioy the show



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The show will be commencing in 2 minutes, so if you could please make your way to your seats immediatly, our cast and crew would be most greatful.


Please ensure that all mobile phones and pagers have been switched off as they do interfere with our electrical equiptment, and as a courtasy to our actors, any and all alarms should be switched to silent or off during the performance. The Sun Don't Shine contains mild strobing, and the use of Dry Ice Fog and Water based, hypo-alergenic haze. It also contains mild corse language, and low level nudity.


Alright, so it is a bit on the long side, but that isn't necessarily a problem. Those who want to listen, will, and those who don't, wont.


I've put in bold the bits that I really don't like the sound of, for the most part, I think it's just that some of these bits just don't sound right or feel unnecessary.


I don't like the phrase "low level nudity" too, it's either nudity or it isn't. The problem with saying low-level nudity, is that it is a vague statement, I think it'll leave some people feeling unsure as to whether to expect nudity or not. I would either not mention nudity at all or be specific about what people should expect, that way they'll be able to make up their mind about whether they may be offended or not.





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I never use long messages like these - you play walk in music, carefully selected to set the mood for the audience. Then the show music starts and exciting things happen. Inserting one of these messages kills it stone dead. I tried reading the long one out, phew!! The other bit about strobe and nudity would in my view be something the audience need to know BEFORE they sit down. A bit late if a flash sensitive epileptic is in the middle of a row. Stick this info near the booking office, where the nudity could even sell a few extra seats and in the foyer. The announcement in the auditorium needs to remind them of the phones, cameras etc, a foyer announcement tells them the show is about to start, and unless it's a licence requirement, the fire exit sign bit is pointless - the doors and exit routes will have the correct signage. Everybody ignors the damn things anyway. Our panto one was recorded and after the flash and video warning was followed with "however, booing and cheering are compulsory" - first time ever the dsm has got a cheer before the show!
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It also contains mild corse language, and low level nudity.


I'm with Tomlyall on this. 'Low level' indicates to me that there might be a knee visible or possibly a bit of thigh on show which I know is not what you meant at all, but my puerile sense of humour kicked in I'm afraid.


Pre-show announcements need to be short, sharp and to the point. With that in mind:


As long as they can see the exit signs, the audience do not need to be told where they are unless they need to be used in an emergency

Sponsors are getting a pretty sweet deal with all their ad space in the programme and banners out in Front of House. They don't need to be mentioned several times during the announcement.

Non smoking is the realm of Front of House to enforce and there should be notices up to that effect

I only ever mention true Strobe in a pre-show announcement. Strobe-type Movers and pyro and theatrical guns get a warning in the programme and that's it.


so we have for calls


Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen (Boys and Girls for kid's shows) and welcome to the Playhouse Theatre. If you'd kindly take your seats as tonight's performance of... will commence in three minutes. Three minutes to the start. Thank you


and a Pre show


Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to the Playhouse Theatre. At this time we would like to ask you to turn all mobile telephones and pagers off and we would like to point out that the use of video cameras and flash photography is not permitted under theatre regulations. (Please also be aware that strobe lighting will be used during this performance). Thank you and enjoy the show.


I'm sure your comittee mean well, but if you read that lot out at the 2 minute to start you'd be cracking on with the 1 minute without taking a breath!

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To me Mac, it just seems a bit waffly! Think what you really need to tell themm- why do they need to know that the theatre is no smoking becuase of new legislations? why do they need to know how greatful the cast and crew will be? Do they really need the exits pointed out to them - it's not a flight (unless of course the law is different in AU)?? Plus the alarms bit is a bit unncessary. All in MHO anyway!




PS- Do many people announce the understudies any more?? I haven't had to for a while.

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