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No Painting!


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Hire a dancefloor (Marley or Harlequin, that sort of thing), or get yourself a canvas floorcloth that can be painted as required (although, if 'no fixing' also encompasses tacks, you might have trouble keeping it in place and stretched using just gaffer tape!).


As for why the management don't allow it - well, I guess they just want to protect the stage surface from damage. Some venues do, some don't - it's a management's prerogative to prohibit painting of, and screwing into, their floor if they so wish.

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Why: probably because they have a nice, wooden floor, worth considerably more than a year's worth of sets!


Alternatives (according to what kind of look you want) are a painted floorcloth of some kind, or if you just want black, some old rolls of dancefloor will serve.

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quite common. if it's a new or expensive floor, then letting people paint it or even worse make dirty great holes in it is a pretty unaceptable thing. Many cover their stage floor with an extra layer. For painting, hardboard is fine, but if screwing is required than 12mm MDF works ok. The other option for painting is canvas - floor cloths are available and just get gaffered down around the edges and protect the floor from paint.
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Careful with the cover and then paint thing, though. Theatre I used to work at had a very expensive teak floor installed, put hardboard down on top so it could be painted for panto, and when it came up, it had big 8x4 squares of paint where it had leaked through the gaps....
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Careful with the cover and then paint thing, though.  Theatre I used to work at had a very expensive teak floor installed, put hardboard down on top so it could be painted for panto, and when it came up, it had big 8x4 squares of paint where it had leaked through the gaps....


Solve this by laying polythene sheeting under the floor before you paint it.

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Yes, that almost fits into the Light Bulbs thread... how many lampies does it take to paint a floor...


A set builder I know has several floors for different venues, with sections cut to fit pros arch etc. 8 or 12mm MDF seems to be the way to go, but if you need to lug it anywhere awkward it can be a pain in the ass.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Hire a dancefloor (Marley or Harlequin, that sort of thing),


I've googled and failed, where can I buy or hire rolls of (white) marley floor?

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Yes, with hindsight.


Thats what happens when 4 lampies get together and make set....!

had a highly entertaining time watching two electricians making a box to contain lights, fan, smoke and silk flames to mount on our trap so the witch would appear to come from the depths of Hell...after three days of trying to make said box out of plywood, they gave up and used dexion, polythene andgaffer tape instead. (Apologies for off topic nature of this)


On topic - I've used floorcloths and gaffer with OK results on one night stands in "no fixing" venues - firstly, paint it off-site ( to avoid embarrassing leaks), secondly, coat the underside with latex to give it a non-slip finish, and thirdly - check regularly for stretch, and re-tape if necessary.


strips of double sided tape laid before the cloth or hardboard is another possibility, but be aware that using the high tack double sided tape can do as much damage as paint. Expo tape (approved by the NEC in birmingham) has been talked about elsewhere at length.


Hire a dancefloor (Marley or Harlequin, that sort of thing),


I've googled and failed, where can I buy or hire rolls of (white) marley floor?


Harlequin or Rosco are the companies to look for - both offer white floors. Harlequin was fifth one down when entering "harlequin" into google. this is Rosco.

Gerriets also I believe do performance floors in a range of colours.

I'm afraid I don't know about possible sources for hire.



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Hire a dancefloor (Marley or Harlequin, that sort of thing),


I've googled and failed, where can I buy or hire rolls of (white) marley floor?


A production that came through our theatre very recently had aLe Mark (01480 494540) white dance floor which they had painted. Much cheaper then Harlequin or Rosco and, though a lesser product, I'd have thought it would be fine for your needs.


Other people worth getting prices from include J&C Joel (01422 833 835) and Bristol (UK) Ltd (020 7624 4370). They are the people who make Bristol Paints and are therefore in a good position to advise on the painting of dance floors.


Wasn't somebody flogging some dance floor on here recently?

Oh yes - here

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Yes, with hindsight.


Thats what happens when 4 lampies get together and make set....!

had a highly entertaining time watching two electricians making a box to contain lights, fan, smoke and silk flames to mount on our trap so the witch would appear to come from the depths of Hell...after three days of trying to make said box out of plywood, they gave up and used dexion, polythene andgaffer tape instead. (Apologies for off topic nature of this)


On topic - I've used floorcloths and gaffer with OK results on one night stands in "no fixing" venues - firstly, paint it off-site ( to avoid embarrassing leaks), secondly, coat the underside with latex to give it a non-slip finish, and thirdly - check regularly for stretch, and re-tape if necessary.


strips of double sided tape laid before the cloth or hardboard is another possibility, but be aware that using the high tack double sided tape can do as much damage as paint. Expo tape (approved by the NEC in birmingham) has been talked about elsewhere at length.


Hire a dancefloor (Marley or Harlequin, that sort of thing),


I've googled and failed, where can I buy or hire rolls of (white) marley floor?


Harlequin or Rosco are the companies to look for - both offer white floors. Harlequin was fifth one down when entering "harlequin" into google. this is Rosco.

Gerriets also I believe do performance floors in a range of colours.

I'm afraid I don't know about possible sources for hire.



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Apologies to the moderators for this - I'm afraid my screen is only big enough to see oneand a bit posts at a time, so I replied to the first one, then read further and saw somethiong else to which I felt I could make a contribution.


The moral of this I suppose is that I must remember to read the whole thread before commitiing pen to paper ( or rather fingers to keyboard).

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