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Old school programmable switch pack


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Course one can multiplex the I/O, but it's more work. In the specific case of my Swiss Army knife board, as the relay outputs are driven by a ULN2003, going from "eight relay drive outputs" to "more than eight really drive outputs" is messy, which indicates that it probably isn't the right solution. At relatively low numbers of I/O, just interfacing directly to the chip I/O is an easy solution.


If I had to build on of these without getting into a custom board spin, I'd build a ratsnest assembly: Start by adding up the I/O:


The spec says: 12 channel select switches, a record button and one each of a forward and backward button. Probably need a clear button as well.


16 buttons and switches with pullups soldered directly to the switches

12 outputs going to logic driven relay boards from Ali


So minimum 28 I/O. That I/O in Arduino or Arduino-like form: I'd go for the Teensy++ which has enough I/O, enough ram and codespace to get the job done, and 4K of EEPROM to store the entered patterns.


Missing from the spec was the rated switching voltage and current; the Ali relay boards are only fitted with little relays, so if it's big loads then a second layer of bigger relays might be a smart move.


As a one-off, this would give a workable solution, trading quality of product design for off-the-shelf-full-ness. If I needed to build a few of them, then I'd spin a board, no question :)

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