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FX Speaker Placement


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Hi, we're running a production this year with a number of sound effects. Historically I've used the house speakers for the odd effect but I'm wondering if this setup can be improved upon. I'll be running Qlab 4 with an X32 Compact and a digital snake to the stage, so plenty of outputs available. Technically I'm reasonably happy about how to send different effects to different speakers. My question is more about speaker placement and secondly is it worth going to the extra trouble? For example is a car horn outside a building going to sound significantly better coming from the 'correct' location or am I going to get a similar effect using the main theatre speakers?


Our community theatre is 150 seat, with the house speakers mounted high stage left and right. Any thoughts/ideas gratefully received. Thanks, Chris!

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The effect is definitely worthwhile in small studio settings where it is noticeable to all.

The effect seems to diminish as venue size increases, but it is often worth getting the sound from floor level behind the prosc arch, even if you can't get a special speaker in each location.

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Effects are always going to sound more realistic if they come from on-stage & from roughly the right direction. With the possible exception of ambient fx like birdsong anything except music from your FoH speakers (especially as you say they are mounted high up) is going to sound wrong.


It may not consciously disturb your audience's enjoyment, but subconsciously they will know that it's "wrong", especially something like a car horn (unless of course your car is on a flyover between the audience & stage :))

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We too are a 150 seat theatre and I'd always try to put SFX in roughly the right place. As someone else said, I only use the Prosc arch speakers for music.

We have permanent speakers rear stage left and right and I have another 4 that I can stick where needed. In a small theatre, it does make a difference.

Where relevant, it also helps to pan FX from one side to the other.

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When I spec'd the sound refurb for our local 300-seater a few years back I listed all the effects I'd struggled with in the past (including a full-stereo head-on train crash right in the middle of an apron stage !!), & made sure that there were speaker (& XLR) lines within easy reach of everywhere anyone might want to put a box.


The short answer to "is it worth going to the extra trouble?" is Yes, always.



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Thanks guys - really helpful. I'll definitely go down that route as planned! Unfortunately while we have a booth, there's nothing (except power to the grid) hardwired between booth and stage, so using anything except the house speakers is a pain. Hoping to remedy that this year though!
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Unfortunately while we have a booth, there's nothing (except power to the grid) hardwired between booth and stage, so using anything except the house speakers is a pain.

Small cheap powered speakers ?? - you presumably have mains power on stage. You seldom if ever need hi-fi for on-stage effects.

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