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in ear monitors


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Hi all,

I have recently purchased an LD MEI1000G2 In ear system for the drummer in my band. Quite a nice little unit that is very easy to set up and configure. Our first use of this left our drummer extremely happy now that he can hear again.

So my question, does anybody know whether the LD transmitter will be compatible with other makes of reciever, specifically the Tbone iem75r as the other members of the band now want to hear the same. My research shows that both units can operate on the same radio frequency but will it work.

Thanks in advance, Luke..

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Even if it works technically, it won't work musically... once the other band members are "plugged in" they will quickly realise they all need to hear something different to each other - "more me" usually. So I'd be looking at buying more complete systems, not just more receivers.
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Hi tim, thanks for you're reply. I fully understand how it may not work musically, I have worked monitor engineer for many bands where equipment has not been an issue. however the ld system can do two mixes. We as a band are quite prepared to live with a 'group' mix, we just want to know whether the 'cheaper' tbone receiver will connect to the LD transmitter. This is a fully financial question as the tbone is a third of the price.

Regards, Luke..

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OK just checking, as have been through that pain previously where everyone thought they could use the same mix only to discover it didn't work.

I'm afraid I don't know the answer to your original question, but Thomann have a 30 day returns policy so if you got the T-bone and it didn't work you could always send it back.

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Thanks for your reply. We are only a small outfit, just trying to shed some weight by not carrying wedges and amps and by this first trial all seems well. As always, finances are dictating and trying to go for the cheapest option. Thanks again for your input tim..?
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Well - I can't say for the two systems mentioned here, but A sennheiser pack works perfectly well on a Trantec 4000 IEM transmitter - although only in mono. Both ears have sound but whatever system Trantec use for stereo, doesn't work. I'm guessing pilot tone or other differences. Quality wise, there is a little extra compression because the commanders don't track together as in when you do the same with radio mics, but it works fine. You'd really have to try this one out.


One thing I do know is that while bands can often work with really bad wedge monitors, this doesn't apply to in-ears whatsoever. My band use personal mixers, but when we have to use a supplied PA, then I go back to wedges because at least then you can hear something - having the guitars or keyboards suddenly come up in the IEMs means you cannot hear what you are contributing at all, and if the mix isn't spot on, and stays that way for the entire show, IEMs leave you doing a Maria Carey, and looking pretty foolish if without them, you can't hear what you need. Like the gig where I was persuaded to do away with my bass rig and DI, with some rather nice 15" wedges - worked fine, till in song three I played louder and they turned the input gain down, and didn't realise that from then on, I was stuffed!


Personally one mix on IEMs would not be on my list at all of things to do.

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Even if your choice of mixed brand Rx and Tx work, there is little chance that all the system compression and re-expansion will be identical on both makes.


Even if you think you will manage on one monitor mix it will NOT work for long, it's likely that you will end up using a different monitor mix each, differently for each song. Admit it now that monitors done well is muso heaven and monitors done badly really screws things up.


You really don't need wireless monitors each unless you really go walkabout. A belt pack with feed from mixer and send to ears is fine.

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