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Wireless DMX


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Never used that myself, I usually use Lumen Radio and Wireless Solution for wireless DMX.

Think I'd want to give these Stagg units a thorough test before I let them use on a show ;)

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Anyone come across the Stagg SLI-SKYDMX2.4 - http://www.staggmusic.com/en/product_detail/sli-skydmx2_4.html?backp=1.


Looks a little like the SHoW Baby.




Nah - ShowBabys come with a full complement of cover screws. Doesn't say much for Stagg's QA that they couldn't find a complete one for the picture!


Makes it quicker to get inside when it goes wrong.


Cheaper wireless DMX is just that. Cheaper, likely less robust, less support. If you're on a total budget then they might well work fine, but your application is likely the match the reduced budget to get it done. Like DMX buffers the cheaper ones work, but they've had to reduced the cost to make it somewhere to hit that price point.

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These look identical (other than the brand) to the cheap Chinese wireless units I have. They transport DMX over a few tens of metres reliably without wires. Not much more to say, really.


Except don't be fooled by those input and output sockets. If you feed the thing DMX it transmits it over the air. If you don't, it receives.

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OOI what are you trying to achieve ? Battery powered lighting in a trucked set element/costume, or just eliminating a cable run?


Just wondering about the physical size of some of these units and whether it matters, and also whether they work ok on batteries or need a bit more power.

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My point exactly. If you want DMX in a truck where no cables can run to it then it needs to be operable from battery - sounds obvious but it's an easily missed point.


Just wanting to eliminate cables. Its a multi-functional space and want to speed up setup(constantly gaffering DMX cables to the floor). The room ant that big, 20x10 meters. Maines powered is fine, the fixtures need mains.



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Anyone come across the Stagg SLI-SKYDMX2.4 - http://www.staggmusic.com/en/product_detail/sli-skydmx2_4.html?backp=1.


Looks a little like the SHoW Baby.




Jeff from Stagg loaned me one as a demo unit to throw about during the summer - he'd misplaced the other one of the pair so I couldn't put DMX through it, however it impressed me as a sturdy albeit low priced piece of kit.


We listed it in our online shop for folks who needed a wireless solution in a hurry in a large school hall, or an events space where cable runs were tight as it retails at a decent price. I doubt we would recommend it for an arena style show - something like ShowBaby would be a better bet perhaps but for those folks wanting a toolki "get out of jail free" piece of electronics it probably fits the bill.

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