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Smoke Machines as Hazers


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Well, I suppose that would give you some kind of atmospheric effect, but it won't last very long, will tend to form 'clouds' since it tends to be a denser fog, and it might be a bit obvious where the 'haze' is coming from if it's coming out in jets. You might be able to use the machine pointing offstage somewhere, then use a fan to blow the smoke back on. That might help a bit. Also, in my experience, smoke will tend to rise, and just sit up near the ceiling, which won't look that great.



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In my opinion, it'll be better than nothing at all, but a "real" hazer would be better still. And they're not very expensive, nowadays.


I heartily recommend the Unique from Look, the Neutron STAR by Lemaitre, and if you have real money, the MDG stuff kicks ass. (Even if it is a bit greedy with the old CO2)

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  • 3 weeks later...

You can make the smoke a bit lighter by watering the smoke fluid down with distilled or de-ionised water (not tap water), but again whilst this will lighten the thick smoke it will also make it last an even shorter amount of time.


If you could set up your machine with a lighter smoke fluid in it, with a fan, then keep pulsing the output into the fan that would work okish. You would need to experiment on the ratio of smoke fluid to water, I suggest about a 50:50 mix and then also experiment on the ratio of the on:off rate of the actual smoke output from the machine.


I have used a similar technique to this before I bought an oil cracker. You will also find the brighter your lights the less visible smoke / haze you need.



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Blast loads of Smoke out around 2o minutes before your show starts and the stage looks like it's been hazed!


I just had 2 smoke machines delivered for effect and this purpose - I'll post images tommorow - it does work.


Obviously a hazer wil do it better though.

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