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Digico S31


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What's not to like is the fact it's just a bigger surface than the S21 - another screen and a few more faders but no more processing power or inputs


It failed my testing at Plasa Leeds show earlier in the year- couldn't make head nor tail of the way it worked- having never used digital except A&H I went round trying to suss the desks out - QL1 made sense, as did X32. Didn't see/try Roland or Soundcraft

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What's not to like is the fact it's just a bigger surface than the S21 - another screen and a few more faders but no more processing power or inputs


It failed my testing at Plasa Leeds show earlier in the year- couldn't make head nor tail of the way it worked- having never used digital except A&H I went round trying to suss the desks out - QL1 made sense, as did X32. Didn't see/try Roland or Soundcraft


That might be a little unfair... 10 more faders plus an extra 10" touch screen offers a lot more user control for those who need this in real time rather than scrolling through layers.

Digico are good at adding features through their FPGA architecture, and the desk will work with a variety of their stageboxes and interfaces. If significantly more I/O is needed, the SD series is conveniently available....!


Should a desk be "drivable" without instruction or training? perhaps... but that might rule out a whole range of excellent desks from a variety of manufacturers if we accept the 'kick the tyres at a trade show' approach. Our lighting colleagues have long since learnt that they'll need to learn each manufacturer's own approach to lighting control surfaces.

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