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Some Avo questions

Young Johnstone

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Hi guys, I'm running a Tiger Touch on V9 at the moment and could do with a couple of answers to some questions.


Is there a way you can see everything that is currently in the programmer? I know you can see which attributes are in the programmer from the encoders bit, but frankly its no use when I've multiple fixtures doing different things whilst I've also go live playback values.


Is there also a way I can select fixtures and then load all of their attributes into the programmer to record a block cue. On Martin M Series I can literally select my fixtures and hit LOAD LOAD and they're straight in there. I presume this isn't possible with Avo?


In my opinion these consoles still aren't up to programming theatre cue lists efficiently are they?



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To view the whole programmer open the Channel Grid workspace and toggle the view filter to 'Programmer' in the context menu. You can filter this further by fixture type and/or attribute group.


If you want to record all attributes of a fixture you can use the record mode 'Record by Fixture'.


To record a block cue you can change the tracking mode at the time of recording by pressing the [Tracking] softkey and then select [block]. Or, if the cue has already been recorded you can view the cuelist (touch above the playback or View/<select playback>) and then change the tracking mode by selecting the tracking cell of the appropriate cue.


I'm not sure there is an answer to a question that begins 'In my opinion' but I will say that there is a lot of cue list functionality there.

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Thank you, thats just helped me massively! I've got a few cues that are already recorded that I now want to change to block cues. I changed the tracking mode to Block but when I fired the cue it seemed to have nothing outputting intensity wise so I presumed it hadn't blocked the intensity values.


What I mean really is that Avo's way is a little more clunky than the way I'm used to which is incredibly fast and efficient! :P

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Well to be fair to Avolites they only got to grips with cuestack on Titan V6 I think it was. Which is when I got interested in the system again. What they have managed to do is remarkable and I am quite happy running a theatre style show on one - which is usually the way I operate. Its maybe not as functional as ETC in this respect, but it seems to be as good as MagicQ - although their method of adding a cue to an existing stack is better.

I wish Martin controllers had more traction over here as it looks to be a really good system.

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Unfortunately I'm always going to be biased when I use Martin consoles for the majority of my work. They are fantastic consoles when it comes to theatre style programming. More people need to be introduced to them really in my opinion.

I'll still always take an Avo for any busking show I do. Thats there place if you ask me.

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Different desks have different strengths and weaknesses and are suited to different environments and programming styles. On one job with a very tight window for the get in

I got a fairly decent award show in to a tiger Touch in 10min from the patch, it had 24 movers and 40 led cans so not a tiny show.


Can you imagine trying to busk a festival stage with a wide variety of acts on an Etc desk!? Likewise, an AVO desk in a theatre specific venue will not be met with much enthusiasm.


I've never used one but Grand MA seams to be the only well received desk across the board all over the world. They ain't cheap though.

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Familiarity is a big thing as well: a desk you know is the perfect tool for the job because you know it. Everything is clunky until you know the quick way of doing it. A desk you know programmed by a person who doesn't share your programming style can be pretty hard work as it is!
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Totally agree with what your saying.


I know Avo very well in the respect of programming a big busking show, however I've not really had to record long cue lists in a long time on that desk.

I'm trying to program it in the way I would with my M Series as that's how my brain works. I have a work flow that hasn't changed in years, so I just get a little frustrated when I literally want to load all the values into the programmer and store it quickly.


I'm finding work arounds for everything I want to do, I just need to train my brain so it becomes second nature on the console.

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Programming cues into a stack is a different procedure on every desk really. The Avolites way is probably the least intuitive though. As is the cue edit/update function. But once you have got to grips with it it is as good as anything else.

You have probably figured this all out by now, but here it is anyway for anyone else.



select - create cue list from soft keys

select handle to record onto


choose record mode from soft keys - fixture, stage or channel.


create look

press blue select button above fader


make changes to look

press button again


repeat as necessary.


hit exit when done. Then clear.


Its easier than it used to be. You do not have to click Append cue anymore which was confusing.


To edit a live cue the best procedure is make your changes then hit record, then double click the flashing Connect Cue button above Go. Or click once, the select record options from soft keys.

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