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Fader faults on Yamaha 01v


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Evening all


So I'm on a mass tidy up of my storage area and so far have managed to get everything off the floor and onto shelves. Now comes the task of sorting through each shelf and getting rid of old equipment either via recycling it, selling it or donating it to a worthy cause.


The first thing I'm looking at is an old original Yamaha 01v. I'm surprised how much these things are still fetching on eBay.


I've not used it in 3 years and it was fully working the last time it was out, however on testing it it all seems to work apart from 2 channels. They don't move electronically nor do they pass signal when you move them manually.



I have reset the desk just in case they were disabled but nothing.


Anyone have knowledge of what could be wrong?


I'd like to sell it fully working as its still in its original box and these are fetchin anything from £150 -£300. I'm not opposed to paying for it to be fixed or getting some parts in and doing it myself.


I would have expected if the motor on the fader was faulty the channel would still work manually.


Any help info would be appreciated.

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Hi Pete


I had this problem, solved be purchasing new faders and replacing the old ones.


Its doable but there are a lot of screws and data ribbons to be removed so take a few pics along the way so everything goes back the same way


Replacing the actual fader is quite easy

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In the crazy world of ebay, faulty things with easy-to-fix faults often sell for more than working things as people chase "a bargain".


So given the cost/time involved fixing it you might be better off selling it as it is, listing the faults clearly.

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Its doable but there are a lot of screws and data ribbons to be removed so take a few pics along the way so everything goes back the same way


Replacing the actual fader is quite easy

I've had to replace a rotary encoder on an O1V and can endorse this. Mark up the ribbon cables so you know what goes where. Take photos so you can see how the cables fold. I have found Yamaha spares to be really helpful and not too expensive.

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