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Hi Paul and welcome to BR. This sort of topic has been done to death and I suggest that you use the search function, just below your name on the top right, and start out with "becoming self-employed".


There are other topics on the subject of migrating to or from the UK, staring out in business, insurance, training, legal issues and much more. All have one thing in common, old farts like me hate the word "freelance" and are total PITA';s about your being a "self-employed contractor/sub-contractor".


Once you have spent a while making notes on what people have written repeatedly in the past then please do come back with specific enquiries. I am assuming that you are talking about "freelancer" in our sector and not a freelance off-grid spoon whittler, of course. Though there do seem to be a few other BR members besides myself that know a bit about that as well. :D

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If you are coming over for one job there should be no problem using your Finnish self employed info. Just issue an invoice for the job according to your Purchase Order including your Finnish data so the client can check that you actually exist and are a tax payer. I do jobs in Spain, Netherlands and Italy most years and it works fine. You are just another international business after all. You do need to be sure that your proposed client at The Fringe is set up to sub contract the work and not put you on their books as a temporary employee. If you are coming over to live then check elsewhere [HMRC]. This will obviously/maybe change when/if the EU membership referendum results get followed through.
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...and since it's the fringe you should do some extra research in to the producer/venue employing you. Actual venue owners (Pleasance, underbelly, etc) are generally good stable companies with a long history of paying the people/companies they directly employ. However independent producers / promoters regularly do go bust (the average Edinburgh show looses several thousand pounds) so if you are working for them then ensure you have a return ticket paid for before you travel over here, that your payment terms are robust and that you have done some research into the company to ensure that they have a good trading history and can afford to pay everyone even if the show flops.
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