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PC 1000w lamps problem


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Hi All,

I have some 1000w PC in a theater, All of them are " doubled" with an Y cable (hope you understand, forget my technical english).

Some of them didn't work, I checked the lamps andò they had an almost black pin, bit nothing broken: in fact, on other pcs, they work.

Changing the lamp sometimes works, sometimes not.

The problemi could be the gx 9.5, but why should they brake whitout working so much?

There could be an electrical problem, but what could be?

Any of you experienced this?




I have to specify that on a single Channel, with 2 PCS on an Y cable, One always works andò the other doesn't.

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sounds like youve a dodgy lamp holder somewere causing arcing,moving the working lamp to another lantern then spreads the problem as the pins aren't making a good contact and the good lamp holder starts arcing


This, or you are using GY lamps (one big pin one small pin) in fixtures designed for GX lamps (two pins the same size)

You'll need to replace the lamp holders...

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agree that it sounds like an arcing issue. The lamps(bulbs) are probably fine and if you take some fine sandpaper to the pins to remove the black deposit then electricity will flow into them again - simply removing the lamp and reinserting it may have a similar effect so that's why sometimes they seem to work when switching them between lanterns.

The blackness won't just be on the lamp though - the same amount will likely remain inside the lampholder so that's why others are correctly suggesting that you replace lampholders

Whilst you're at it - it's also worth checking the cabling that feeds the lampholder as long term arcing within the lampholder often means the cable feeding it is suffering from age as well.

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It's a circular fault. You must replace the holders AND clean or replace the lamps. The holders get hot and the springs weaken, then the contact gets poor so the lamp pin burns, then you replace the lamp and it's pins burn in the cooked holder. You must replace the holders and should replace the lamps (cleaning the pins may suffice).
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The contact springs in the lampholders become weak over time with the replacement of lamps, especially, as has been mentioned, if the wrong lamps are made to fit. Once the contact is weak, it leads to heating, which exacerbate the problem, then arcing. Replacing the lampholders should solve the problem.. It's not at all uncommon.
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Dead simple, replace the lampholders -all of them if you can. The burned holder is weak and then burns the contacts on each and every new lamp. A burned lamp (pin) burns the holder it goes into then the holder is damaged.


Replace the holder and fit a new lamp. very few times can you get away with only replacing one part.


It's perfectly normal to swap the lampholders out after so many new lamps (5, 10 or so) When the lamp life gets noticeably shorter, think HOLDERS and replace them. Once the lamp life gets shorter it's also time to clean the cooling system/vents/fins/fans


Ultimately the lamps will start to burn up on first power up, by this time the internal cables are probably scorched beyond reuse.

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