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Magicq PC to V I have started to have a small problem


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Having recently upgraded Magicq PC to V I have started to have a small problem. If I record a cue in the normal manner, set the look, press Record and select a playback. Then edit cue to set a fade time and set 'cue timing' if needed. If I then raise the Playback Fader quickly so the cue can fade in at the set fade time, all is well but if I lower the fader quickly the cue snaps out. I have also copied the cue into the execute window and if I click the appropriate button the cue fades in at the set fade time but when I click the button again the cue snaps out. I have installed the same version of magicq onto 3 different computers running Windows 7,8 and 10 and it is the same on all 3 machines. The Windows 7 was the upgrade and the Windows 8 and 10 were new installs. I fully accept that it could be finger trouble on my part but any help would be appreciated.
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Did you try and start from a new show and see if you still have this problem I have triyrd it here and its fine. I have also tried on my MQ60 also it fades out as it should.


It could be an option you changed by mistake under the "veiw options" when you are looking at cue stack by taping the "S" key button twice.

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When activating a cue it will fade in with its given fade time.

Cues have a fade in/out time which is used to fade in the cue/to the next cue.

The fade out time is used when going between cues e.g. from cue 1 to cue 2.


When 'releasing' a cue stack (e.g. bringing the fader down or using the 'release' button) you will need add a release time to have a fade out.

This is done by pressing the 's' button 3 times, under the 'activate release' menu tab you'll find an option there for release time for the stack.


Hope this helps.

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