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6 way Channel 70 kit


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Just curious - prompted by a thread about cheap headset mics, I was trawling the interwebs, and came across this variant of the Chord multiway: clicky. Anyone know what's happening here? Or have a link to more detailed information? I notice on the Studiospares site that the top carrier appears to be 865.00 MHz, which must surely take it out of the licence free band when modulation is added?
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Just curious - prompted by a thread about cheap headset mics, I was trawling the interwebs, and came across this variant of the Chord multiway: clicky. Anyone know what's happening here? Or have a link to more detailed information?


The only review on Amazon says "Some of the mics experience frequency interferance when all the 6 mics are used simultaneously."

It is possible, according to Sennheiser, to get 6 channels of their G3 into the band, but this relies on the RF front end filtering being good.

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Here's a link to the manual


Whats going on is they have put 6 very cheap systems in to a nice rack mount package.


I would expect them to be very cheaply made and feel so.


As mentioned, in theory 6 systems can be used in that frequency range, however I doubt for that price it had been done very well.


You get what you pay for. You probably wouldn’t get away with a paying corporate gig but for a kids karaoke party they would be fine. I suspect the biggest issue would be build quality of the units, you can make anything sound OK as long as expectations are not high, but my recurring bug bare with cheap equipment is cracked / missing parts.

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If running six in Ch70 isn't quite daring enough, here's another system that puts eight systems on unspecified VHF frequencies.


Review says: "You pay for 8 mics but only 6 will work, advice from customers service is..........dont use them two....so in the end you will have only 6 out of 8. Found out that mic 6 and mic 8 will cause all others not to work. To solve the problem remove batteries completely from mic 6 and 8 and the rest of the mics will work"

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Re the Chord 6, I had the misfortune to be advising a small group where the treasurer just went out and bought the 6 way Chord 6 channel 70 system without telling anyone. There are some serious problems in using it in a theatre setting. The frequency plan is not legal as one of the frequencies is actually centred on the band edge. The system is not diversity, it uses one aerial for 3 channels and the second aerial for the remaining channels. The microphone socket on the beltpack appears to be unique to Chord although I have been able to use other headmics by fitting packing washers onto one of the available plugs. Not ideal as it makes changing the mic into a major operation. The supplied microphones are very unsightly and the cable extreemely thin so splicing other headsets to the supplied connector is not practicable. The system works to a point but is highly prone to feedback if the users group together, much more so than any other system I have experienced. All very sad when there was a plan in place to purchase a Sennheiser XS system.


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Re the Chord 6, I had the misfortune to be advising a small group where the treasurer just went out and bought the 6 way Chord 6 channel 70 system without telling anyone. There are some serious problems in using it in a theatre setting. The frequency plan is not legal as one of the frequencies is actually centred on the band edge. The system is not diversity, it uses one aerial for 3 channels and the second aerial for the remaining channels. The microphone socket on the beltpack appears to be unique to Chord although I have been able to use other headmics by fitting packing washers onto one of the available plugs. Not ideal as it makes changing the mic into a major operation. The supplied microphones are very unsightly and the cable extreemely thin so splicing other headsets to the supplied connector is not practicable. The system works to a point but is highly prone to feedback if the users group together, much more so than any other system I have experienced. All very sad when there was a plan in place to purchase a Sennheiser XS system.



Sadly this is what happens when the money people get involved. I always advise people who ask if you can't afford to do it properly don't do it. The sennheiser xs range is the budget option, I don't entertain anything less than this. It's a good system and I have a good bit of it my self for when I have multiple jobs out at the same time or a particularly large requirement. Channel 38 for my normal G3 stock and ch 70 and the newer pan Euro range ( can't remember what it is right now) for the xs stuff.

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I had something very similar recently to try from my Chinese radio supplier and the trick is that the deviation is lower than the typical spec used by Sennheiser and the others, so they don't suffer fro, intermod to a huge degree, but the frequency response is a little limited top and bottom. I had very poor results on my bass guitar, and the top end wasn't that crisp - suggesting the top end is lacking too. The commander is also a bit fierce, and everything sounded like it was compressed - so the expansion either is misaligned or simply not present at all. I suppose it depends on what you want. I suspect you'll get away with handhelds - lavs need a bit more finesse.
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