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Jster ML Palettes


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Hi all. Helping a friend out tomorrow programming a bunch of scenes for a bar. Only a small rig; some Chinese no-name LED PARs and several Robe Clubscans. I'm wondering about palettes... I'm familiar enough with the Zero88 way - probably - been 5 years since I touched a Leapfrog!


Can I record different fixture types (and attributes) in the same palette? Say I wanted to set a 'Warm' Colour palette, could I, for example, set one set of cans to red, others to orange AND scans in yellow?Similarly, with, say, 2 different shape effects or positions?


Hopefully a quick and easy answer for someone more familiar?


Thanks in advance



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The manual is here: http://www.zero88.co...anual%203.0.pdf page 37 on.


Palettes are per-attribute, so you create colour palettes separate to e.g. position palettes.


For a colour palette, you can set the fixture colours to whatever set you want - so e.g. they don't all need to be "red", you can set up the "warm" selection of reds/oranges etc as you suggest across your fixtures and make that a colour palette that you could name e.g. "warms".


I'm more familiar with other Zero88 desks, but the Jester looks to operate in a similar way.


The Zero88 Forum for Jester-ML is here: http://zero88.com/forum/forum/126-jester-ml-range/





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Hi Adam,


Yes, the manual does appear a bit lightweight on this topic!


One "gotcha" to be aware of, is that when applying the palette it can only apply to the fixtures that were selected when you programmed the palette. You can apply the palette to a subset of the fixtures by only selecting the one's you want to apply the palette to, but not to fixtures that weren't programmed as part of that palette! Hope that makes some sense, and I'm assuming that's how the Jester works too... but at least you can look out for that one!




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Morning! All palettes done and looking fine... Sorry for asking for a step by step, but!


So I create a chase. Steps 1 & 2, fine. Then recall the palettes to create a look (for step 3 and I hit record, but it asks to record over the palette. I want it to add a step to the chase I'm in...am I missing something easy here?

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Hi Adam,

When you select the palette, that becomes the last selected "thing" so pressing programme tries to overwrite that. This only happens when using palettes to create a chase. You need to select the palette, then select where the chase is (submaster or memory), press right to highlight the step column and press "insert".

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