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Artnet 2.0 over wifi


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I have experimented with this.


The main thing with normal 801.11g or older is that it doesn't support frame aggregation. So a lot of small packets get sent with a lot of overhead. Performance drops very fast. Just test it at home. Don't even try point to multipoint. 801.11n and ac do support frame aggregation and do a lot better with this. Another problem is people with phones. If you have SSID broadcast most phones are going to try to connect to your network. This also brings down your network. Even hiding your SSID can't always prevent this.


So, you can try 802.11n, in the 2.4Ghz frequency and hope for the best, or go to 5Ghz.


Also look for outdoor accespoints, which are higher power, more directional antenna, can be set to point to point (transparent bridge), are powered by PoE, are waterproof, are robust, and can be hung for line of sight.


There is however no real good solution for your problem. Mileage will vary! As others have alreay replied: If it can be done by wire, use a wire.









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My personal opinion is you will never be able to get it to be reliable enough for a show situation, although others views may differ! If you really do need to send DMX wirelessly in a show critical situation I'd be looking at something more robust like W-DMX or CRMX.


One piece of advice when using Artnet and looking to reduce network traffic then make sure you are using Artnet as Unicast as much as possible as this will help significantly.


Good luck and I'd be interested to hear how you get on.

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My thoughts are that the situation will vary according to the number of punters within wi-fi range with one or more devices causing either simple RF conflicts or actually trying to get into your network. It will work fine for you, then the paying punters will come in and challenge every (RF) assumption you have made.
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