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Has anyone used LxKey before?


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I've recently come across LxKey for Eos (http://www.lxkey.co.uk) and I am thinking that it could be useful tool for shows with smaller budgets so I wouldn't have to hire a desk or for use with preprogramming and WYSIWYG work and I'm thinking about investing in one, but I haven't been able to find much about them other than their website. I wondered if anyone has got/used one and could share their experience of it? Even just some better pictures of it would be good so I can see the layout slightly clearer and maybe get a look at the back of it.


Also, I'm finding the ETC website a little confusing, am I right in thinking: The Puck is the dedicated laptop style device they make to run nomad, the key is a dongle that allows to use Nomad beyond as an offline editor and it requires a DMX interface of some kind, even if it's just a standard node like you would use with any other.

Do you still need the DMX interface/gateway if you are using LxKeys? Can anybody recommend a decent (quality and price) one that would work with the set up?

Does anyone have a better alternative (Other than buying an Ion :P)?

Sorry for all the questions!


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LXkey is just a keyboard, so you'll still need something such as a gateway or DMX interface to actually get the DMX to the fixtures.


The puck is a dedicated device, not a laptop. You add a keyboard, display(s) and DMX interface or gateway to it and run the Nomad software on it. If you are running on a laptop then you run nomad on the laptop, and you still need a gateway or DMX interface and also a nomad key to unlock the software to make it run live.

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Alister is bang on in his comments above.


I have used LX Keys in the past and am very impressed. Layout is slightly different to EOS consoles but very easy to pick up.


IIRC there are 4 USB ports on the back so it can act as a "hub" as well

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Thanks guys, that was helpful.


I like the look of LxKeys, I just wish their website had more content on it! The keyboard itself seems reasonably priced but it all adds up once you've bought a key and a gateway and the puck if you're going that way (I won't, if I go for it, I'll run it off a Mac Mini I already have) so it's important to get this information first!!

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  • 6 months later...



I have just purchased an LXKey device along with a 256 channel dongle and a gadget to output to DMX and hope to build my "console" by adding a touch screen and maybe even a fader wing in time. So far I am very impressed with it but have not yet done a full show with it. I would be interested to hear feedback from other users. One thing I was slightly disappointed with is the lack of any documentation with the device, but I suppose it is intended for professionals who already know the function of all the keys.


Luke D.:

Did you get the LXkey and if so how have you got on with it? I agree with you that the website is a bit sparse. I would like to get a bit of a conversation going about it in case there are things I am missing that would be useful to know.


Om that point, does anyone have any suggestions for a cheap alternative to the wheel or the encoders? As far as I can see, I will be able to build up most of the functions of the full console with the kit I listed above, but I will still have no wheel control or encoders. Any suggestions would be really welcome.






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Re. the LxKey - I have one and like it, however I was very annoyed that when ETC released a console update which changed some key mapping the supplier was totally not ready, and still (AFAIK) only has a beta available to update the device which only runs on windows. Which made it very awkward to upgrade for mac users! I would have assumed they would have thought it out a bit better!



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Also - regading whether any encoders are available. There are none that I know of but I have been playing around with an arduino and a rotary encoder and have knocked together the thing in the video at My link - works using OSC - will be on wifi soon!



That looks very interesting. I heard of Arduino for the first time last night at the gig when the sound guy suggested using it to create a DMX converter for an old analogue dimmer unit I have. I need to investigate!!!







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That looks very interesting. I heard of Arduino for the first time last night at the gig when the sound guy suggested using it to create a DMX converter for an old analogue dimmer unit I have. I need to investigate!!!



Arduino can be great and there are a lot of options out there - I'm currently struggling to work out the best way to get wifi working with what I'm doing, but I should be there soon. I'm using the Eos OSC API for this, although that does have a few limitations which cause me a bit of a headache!


There are DMX shields available, so I think what you are talking about would be pretty easy, although I'm not that strong on the electronics side!

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