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In a theatre towards the end of next month with a 1 in 8 raked stage. I need to place 4 truss verticals on the stage, but obviously need to cancel the rake to allow it to sit vertical on stage. Whats the easiest way to achieve this?

My thought pattern was leading me along the lines of a piece of deck with varying leg length to cancel but you guys may have a better idea.



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Hi Teddy,

What are your truss verticals supporting? If it's literally just a 3m truss upright, then (for example) the old bit of 2x1 under the downstage edge could be your friend...if however it's a full on ground support system, then obviously something a little more engineered may be required!


Edited to add:

1 in 8 stage? Are you sure about that?!

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That's not a rake, it's a ski jump!


If it's something you can't actually prepare in advance - as in the info you have been given being faulty, then It's going to be trips of timber and maybe some counterweights - that kind of thing. If these verticals are holding up something like a mover, you will have proper spreader plates already, so timber strips of varying height should be fine I'd have thought.

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