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The Beck Theatre, Heyes


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I wouldn't normally single out a particular venue for criticism, but this one so often gets me thinking that I thought I'd mention it ....


Has anyone reading this ever worked there? I only ask because they're forever advertising in The Stage for technicians (again this week), so there must be a huge turnover of staff there. But perhaps the reason why is apparent from the text of the advert - £11,336.52 per annum basic wage. That's £218 a week. For which they expect to find an experienced/qualified multi-skilled technician who can do sound, electrics, stage work, film projection and building maintenance. Now isn't that taking the piss? Assuming the maxiumum 45-hour week permitted by the WTD (perhaps they're a bit more reasonable and the contract is for 39 hours, or even 37, but somehow I doubt it), that's £4.85 an hour. That's National Minimum Wage. Is that how much these people value the skills of an experience theatre technician these days? Even someone who fills shelves at Tesco or flips burgers in a Macdonalds gets paid better than that.


Sometimes I wonder why any young people leaving school these days and looking for a job even consider a career in theatre - they must be mad ...

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Indeed. The standards of pay in the industry at the moment are in many cases, shocking. I'm having a little prowl around looking at jobs at the mo, and in comparison to almost all other industries, what they expect you to do for the money they offer is pretty ridiculous. The Beck Theatre certainly sn't alone in offering poor pay.


Now, many would say that we get paid poorly because there's no money in the industry...but is that really the case? Do the big-league performers get insultingly small wages. Is Cameron short of a bob or two? Do the folks in the Arts Council offices get minimum wage?


Problem is, because of the percieved "glamour" of the industry, they'll always find someone to do the job. They may not be very good or experienced, but they're willing to work for the low wages just to get in. Until they start failing to get anyone to apply because of the low wages, they'll keep paying that way.

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Guest lightnix

If you feel that strongly about it, why not write to them?


I have to agree, sadly. Theatre pay has never been the best in the business, but this is really taking the mickey. If you're into theatre these days, you might as well get a "proper" job and join an amdram society to fulfill your ambitions (did I really just say that :o ) Mind you, it's not the only business where the people who do the most work get paid the least money :unsure:


Wonder how much their admin are on :(

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flips burgers in a Macdonalds gets paid better than that.



not quite. I worked there for 2 years (2 years too long) and only got paid £4.50 per hour!




But how old were you at the time? Bear in mind that the minimum wage for 16/17 year olds is different to the minimum for anyone aged 18+. Aslso, the NMW has moved on in the space of the last two years ...



Wonder how much their admin are on :unsure:

Funnily enough, I wondered exactly the same thing. I wonder if there's a way to find out?

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Funnily enough, I wondered exactly the same thing. I wonder if there's a way to find out?


If they are publically funded - council, government etc - then yes, you can find out. Just ask the question, and under the freedom of information act, they have to respond within 20 working days.


There are certain exceptions, and you normally can't ask things like "how much does Joe Bloggs Earn", but you can ask for copies of the salary scales, and then find out how many staff fall within a specific pay band. You can also ask more specific questions about certain "high profile" people - directors etc.



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If they are publically funded - council, government  etc - then yes, you can find out.

They aren't - they're a Clearchannel venue.


Well, you could always send them a letter, asking for the info under FoI anyway. Point out that FoI requires responses to be made within 20 days. Don't mention the fact that they're not covered.


They might just answer it - there's been enough scary press coverage! :unsure:



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Yes they are a clear channel venue.


Being an ex clearchannel employee myslef. There are reasons why the job has been advertised twice in the last few months. Its mainly because they have offered the job to someone who has turned it down for one reason or another. Same person twice. Who I happen to know as well.


I also believe that the tender is up for grabs this year and I here a nasty rumour that HST have gone for it and have got it back God forbid but thats enough from me!!

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Guest lightnix

Excellent article, we really should try to get him to sign up as a BR member :(


If you feel that strongly about it, why not write to them?

Or better still, apply for the job, go to the interview, spin it out as long as possible and then tell them that you're not interested :unsure:


Just out of interest, what do we all reckon a job like that should pay ?


For the sake of comparison...


a) A freelance tech charging £185 per day could gross a gnat's over what they're offering with just 62 days work.


b) I applied for a post as a senior warehouse tech with a major hire company a couple of years ago (almost got it, too). They were offering £27,500 as I recall.


I'll open the bidding at £18k

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Have just caught up with this topic, having had a few days holiday away from computers!

Yes I will admit to having worked there - under several managements - HST, SFX and CC.

The technician's basic hours are 39 over 5 days - which equates to £5.59 p/hr... which I agree is a very poor salary for someone who required to be an experienced multi-skilled technician - and often to be the only technician working with casuals and the incoming company on a show - so added responsibility.

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