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Fat frog custom fixtures

Rob the Spark

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Hi at my local am dram group we have a fat frog running 36 channels of dimmers, a few moving lights, a DMX LED star cloth and a hazer. We have recently purchased some LED battens which require more channels than we have left on the generic faders to utilise them to their full potential.


Is there a way to create a custom fixtures and control the new LED battens and the star cloth with the jog wheels for intelligent lights (DMX channels 49+) rather than the generic faders (DMX channels 1-48)?



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Rob - have a look in the Fixture Library here. You might well find your Batten is already there, all you need to do is use the Fixture Tools (at the same link above) to pull that fixture on to a floppy for your Frog. From memory the library won't fit on a single floppy nowadays.


If the fixture isn't in the Library then you can use the Fixture editor to create it - if you're unsure how to do that, you could try eMailing Keith at Zero with a copy of the manual and if he's in the office with time to spare - he'll create a fixture for you.

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Thanks for the replies. I've had a look in the stock fixture list Ian kindly provided but my fittings are not listed so I think I'll need to create my own.


Hi Paul how are you? Hope you're well! The fittings are Eurolite PMB-8 RGB LED battens. They need 27 DMX channels per fixture to control each cell individually, but we will probably use them in master and slave configuration with 5 DMX channel control.


Also I have butchered an ebay special 30W LED RGB floodlight and wired it upto a DMX LED dimmer to make our star cloth light source colour changeable which requires 3 DMX channels.

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I'm not sure master slave is the way to go, isn't that to do with sound to light so you don't need the froggy?

You could set the first one with a DMX channel of 49, the second 54, third 59 and so on.

I'll email you a couple of fixture files that need copied to a floppy disk and put onto frog using the select fixture from floppy option in the assign fixture menu

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We haven't got the fixtures yet so not sure how best to set them up. They're going to be mainly used as a cyc wash and maybe as a bit of additional over head light depending how well they perform.


I could always address the units the same rather than using master and slave. It all depends how easy to control they are.


The ideal scenario would be to have all the elements operating the same as each other normally to speed up plotting, with an option to control each element individually for effects.


Thanks for the emails. I'll have a bash at loading them in to the desk this week and see how it goes.

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Many of these fixtures that have master/slave mode (where the master is often doing sound to light or a set of programmed chases) work by the slaves all basing themselves at address 1 and the master outputting DMX at address 1 for whatever it is doing. So putting the unit in "slave" mode is just setting its base address to 1
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Many of these fixtures that have master/slave mode (where the master is often doing sound to light or a set of programmed chases) work by the slaves all basing themselves at address 1 and the master outputting DMX at address 1 for whatever it is doing. So putting the unit in "slave" mode is just setting its base address to 1


A lot of the chinese made LED gear refers to the normal DMX mode as "slave" mode.

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