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Avolite Pearl Tiger taking for ever to save shows

Guy Tec

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Morning Blue Room, our Pearl Tiger is taking ages to save shows , both to internal memory and external drives,

The desk was sent back end of last year for service and updates system diagnosticssay no errors !!


Anyone out there got any ideas as we are starting show season and a unreliable desk will be a pain


cheers guy

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Morning Blue Room, our Pearl Tiger is taking ages to save shows , both to internal memory and external drives,

The desk was sent back end of last year for service and updates system diagnosticssay no errors !!


Anyone out there got any ideas as we are starting show season and a unreliable desk will be a pain


cheers guy



how long is "ages"?


if you save to floppy disk (if you can find one) how does that compare?

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if you save to floppy disk (if you can find one) how does that compare?


You'd need to find a floppy drive in the desk first...;)


Hasn't a pearl tiger got one in the back? Or am I confusing it with something else?

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You're confusing it with an original Expert. The Tiger has the ribbon connector available for a floppy but no actual drive.


Oh yes. Doh.

Anyway, the classic pearl was always quite slow to save shows, even on USB. I just wondered what the original poster considered to be slow.

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The Tigers can get a bit slow when it comes to loading and saving things, especially if the flash drive starts to become fragmented.


You should try updating the personality library sometime, and not an hour before the show, as I've seen someone try to do.


All the best


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The personality library is a sync operation though which is quite different. The problem with the whole thing is that these consoles use proprietary hardware which predates Usb so all the Usb I/O had to be coded from scratch. The combination of this and the technology used means data transfer isn't going to be the same as on more recent console designs.


I'll ask the same questions as above - how long does it take and has there been a noticeable increase in the time taken?

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Hi Thanks for the replies ,the Tiger is USB based there is a memory stick inside for on board backup of shows as well as an external usb port for memory stick.

the desk is taking up to 50min to back up show file ,with display showing percent done , on one occasion it got to 3% and then froze .

cheers guy

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I appreciate you probably want to keep the show that is loaded on there currently, but have you tried wiping the desk back to factory state and seeing if that helps things? I also assume (please correct me if I am wrong) that the desk gets turned off and has to cold-boot occasionally?



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