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Use of par cans for wall washing advice needed


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Wanting to buy par cans to wash walls around starlit dance floor but so many on market not sure what to look for. Are their par cans specific for wall washing with wider lenses or do all par cans do the same job are 64 better than 56

Thanks for any advice


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A par can is a par can,a par 56 normaly has a 300 w lamp were as a par64 is normally 1000w,the beam angle is adjusted by the choice of lamp.if your using em close to a wall be carefull of the heat or things might start getting a bit too orangey red with an annoying flicker
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Short nose may be better too, unless you want to create a column of light.

It depends on how you wish to wash the wall.





And I'm a poet and didn't know it!!! :** laughs out loud **:

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The beam angle in a feature of the lamp not the lantern, chose to suit the design. 1000w is far too much, 300 may need dimming. LEDs are MUCH more popular these days as they run cool. Singed carpet or wall covering is not popular nor singed children. However battery powered wireless DMX LED uplighters are not cheap and can wander after gigs.
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Whilst there is more upfront cost involved in LED, it's worth thinking through all the ancillary costs of traditional incandescent pars. You have replacement bulbs to think about, and power requirements. Even with 500w pars, you need to think a bit harder about how they are being powered, especially if you are on a generator or temporary supply. Then there's gels, and the guarantee that the customer will want the lamps a different colour from how you have prepped them, so you need to carry a selection of colours with you.


Even a relatively modest LED uplighter can get pretty good results, especially on saturated colours.

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