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Problem downloading files for a Pearl


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I'm having real trouble trying to download the R20 personality disks for a Pearl 2000/4. Every time I try to download from the Avolites pesonality site the the webpage crashes with 'the connection was reset' in Chrome and another non descript message in IE. I've been trying this for ages.... in fact since last November! gave up then and managed to download the 'R20 files for cache builder' this includes all personality files but now I need the shape file SG.DAT which I believe is included on all personality disks but not the file for cache builder. This is driving me nuts, I've tried it on my PC at work as well with the same problem, am I missing something?


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Thanks George, not sure where I'm going wrong, tried everything..... flushed DNS clear cache and cookies and tried on my system at work, completely different network. I'm guessing it's a browser issue. thanks very much for the file, at least I can get on now.




George, out of curiosity what browser did you use?


Unbelievable..... can't download that file, Chrome is saying failed download every time I try, think I'll just give up and change my desk...... might be easier! Going to try in IE.

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But the same happens on my work computer, different computer, different site, different network, different ISP, works on everything else, I'm downloading files all day as prt of my work, just don't get this at all. Thanks for your help anyway.
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This is really a computer issue and probably beyond this forum, but a quick Google brought up the following as a solution to 'connection was reset' errors:


"Go to internet explorer options in control panel. Click advanced-reset. Click reset again."

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Yes I know it would seem to be a computer issue and not for this forum, I was just hoping maybe someone had had the same problem and solved it. Whilst it seems computer based, I download files of every kind from all different sites all the time, I can even download all other files for other desk from Avolites just not the individual personality diskd for a pearl 2000 which leaves me thinking there is something a little odd with the webpage. I've emailed Avo twice with no response so I will try calling them today and if resolved I will post the resolution so it may help someone in the same situation at some stage. Thanks all.


Btw the advanced reset doesn't work, had already tried that and did try again but no joy. Cheers


Solved!! A common factor was that both my machine at home and at work were using Avast anti virus.... disabled it and all works OK. Has to be said there must be something a little odd in the way these files are fetched from the the Avo site or the files themselves, as I say I download regularly at and as part of my daily work and have been for years and never come across this before and can even dl all other files from Avo???....weird!! Hope this helps someone out there. Ta

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I think timsabre is right, Avast appears to block rarely downloaded files not known in it's database as I could download the .exe files for Diamond, Sapphire, Tiger, cache builder etc etc no problem. I think I'll just drop a message to Avolites, maybe they could put a note on the page..... Trouble downloading?...... you know the sort of thing. Even once I'd downloaded the file, switched AV back on and run the file.... Avast deleted it immediately!! Had to run the file with AV off to extract the files then switch AV back on.


Thanks for your input.


Now I've got the file I needed we can talk lighting!! Does anyone have any resources for editing the shape file? Had a look through it and kinda understand it, will start to have a play with it tonight, but if anyone knows any info on the shape file it may save me some time.



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