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Smoke Machine Repair


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I have a Zoom Powerfog1000. Bought from new, worked perfectly for over 4 years without a fault, hugely capable machine. Lent it once to someone and it comes back barely able to wisp with a tank full of really sweet smelling oily fluid. You can't buy these anymore, which is a shame as nothing seems to come close for the price.


Anyone know of anyone in London who might be willing to take a look and/or replace the heaterblock/pump? I know it's not a very pro machine but it has sentimental value and I'd rather see it fixed for a few bob than throw it away.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Or, as Nick says, empty all the old fluid out and then clean it through with distilled water and white vinegar mixed 50:50. It makes your workshop smell like a chip shop but that's no necessarily a bad thing.
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