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Safe use of ladders and stepladders


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Safe use of ladders and stepladders.


Falls from height account for a significant number of workplace injuries and unnecessary deaths every year across a wide range of work at height activities. This leaflet gives advice to employers, employees and self-employed people on simple, sensible precautions to take when using ladders and stepladders to work at height. This leaflet replaces INDG402 Safe use of ladders and stepladders: An employers' guide, INDG403 A toolbox talk on leaning ladder and stepladder safety and INDG405 Top tips for ladder and stepladder safety.

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Just to add that the guidance Brian refers to is on the new "Work At Height" microsite fromThe HSE.

It comes with the following headlines linked.

Firm fined £250,000 over worker fall death at Wythenshawe warehouse

Liverpool building firm sentenced after roofer paralysed

Worker died after fall through roof light

Contractor in court for ignoring safety risks

Fitting firm fined over severe head injury

Well worth ten minutes to skim through the site, especially for employers, managers and crew bosses, as it is pro-active rather than "thou shalt not". Most of you already know most of it.

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